You've Got The Glow chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Kayla's POV


It's been almost a week since Jake was at school, he was really taking this contest seriously. For the week I've been manly hanging out with Jessica and her friends, I still have yet to learn their names. It's a miracle I even remember her name.

"Hey Kayla!" Jessica called from down the hall.

I walked over to her and replied, "Hey whats up?"

"The girls and I are having a movie night at my house, would you like to come?"

In a way I thought it would be a little awkward, but they were all so welcoming and nice. Plus, free food and entertainment so count me in.

"Sure! Text me the details?" She nodded and we went off to our next classes. I haven't had a girls night in a while, and I needed one.

I haven't seen Jake since the day I told him about my Dad, which was about 3 days ago. He seemed busy, so I didn't bother him. Who am I kidding, I just didn't want to face him. He said he wouldn't pity me, but I can't take the chance that he would treat me differently. I should've never told him.

On the bright side, Jenny and Kyle have been hanging out lately. I always see them talking at school or hanging out in the living room. Either they're good friends like me and Jake, or they like each other.

"Kayla, do you know where Jake is?" Mrs. Potts asked taking me out of my thoughts.

Should I just say he feels sick? I don't want to reveal anything he might not want to have people knowing about. I decided to play it safe, "He's been feeling under the weather, but he should be back soon."

Mrs. Potts gave me work to give him which is the reason why I'm standing behind his bedroom door. I need to suck it up and just talk to Jake, everything will be fine.

Knocking on the door I called his name. "Come on in." He said.

I slowly entered to find his head in his hands. "How's it going?" I asked closing his door and walking closer to the desk he was at.

Hearing my voice caused him to turn around. "Everything is all wrong," He said looking beyond frustrated, "The lyrics don't flow with the beat, heck they don't even rhyme! The only thing I have is the first verse."

I picked up the paper and read the words: "I'm falling out of the sky, I feel so alive. My heart ignites, when our eyes collide. Don't hold back crash into me, we catching fire like a third degree. Need someone to hold, sick of being alone so I'm rounding third and I'm coming home. Cuz i need your touch an i need it now. We can go to lunch and then mess around. So baby if your with it you can come and get it. We can build in empire in a New York minute."

"I don't see what's wrong, this is really good." I said scanning the paper again.

He nodded, "I've been told that all day. And, yes it is good, but I don't know what it's going to be about. You know the chorus, the reason for the song."

I set the paper back down and pondered on what he said. I liked the fact that his songs had meaning, so it couldn't be something random. It would also make sense if it went with what he already wrote. "Okay, well you obviously wrote this about a girl, so it can be something about that girl."

"That's hard if me and the girl don't have a romantic history now isn't it?" Now I was starting to see his frustration. The contest was coming to an end too, so he needed to act fast.

You've Got The Glow (A Jake Miller Fanfiction) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now