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Picture to your right is of Adeline

I squeezed my eyes shut and laid as still as possible as he stood over me, my breathing came out in shallow quiet gasps. I fought to keep myself from flinching as he ran his hands through my hair. The strong aroma of liquor and an unwashed body assaulted my senses. His labored breathing was the only sound in the small cold room. His rough calloused hands ran over my cheek harshly. As I endured this assault, I thought of Castor, my brother, the only one who was able to protect me. And now he was gone, leaving me to fend for myself in this horrid place.

But it hadn’t always been like that. We used to be happy children, enjoying life with our parents, our mother a seamstress, our father, one of the best fishermen for miles. Then like all happy tales, a sickness so viscous spread through our little village claiming my mother along with most of my immediate family. The loss of my mother was devastating. All Castor and I had left was each other and our father, who became less and less reliable as the years wore on. Drink becoming his comfort for my dear mother’s passing.

Father was tolerable the first few years after mama died, drinking mildly and still working. But as the years went on, he worked less and drank more until he didn’t work at all. And of course he had no qualms with taking out his frustrations on us. Beatings became a daily occurrence that Castor and I endured, Castor more grudgingly than I. But we suffered them together, until Castor left for war, leaving me the task of dodging father and his beatings alone. There were times when I considered death, even that had to be better than the current life I was mindlessly living. But the sliver of hope that I had for a better life kept me living on.

It wasn’t even half a year’s time before my father became desperate for money and began plotting all kinds of disgusting schemes to get money, including selling my body. When he first brought up the subject, I laughed it off as a joke of course, until he started bringing drunkards from the pub around the house forcing me to withstand their leers and boldness. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I was dumbfounded. What kind of father offered his only daughter up to the appalling employment of prostitution? I had outright refused and refrained from speaking with him unless necessary. It seems that my silent treatment did little to deter him.

Now here I lay being touched by a stranger as my father looms near the doorway allowing it. I fight the urge to empty the meager contents of my stomach onto the floor as he continues his assault of my body. I bite down on my lip, as his rough hands move to my throat and lower. I bite down on my lip so hard, I draw blood. He is inching down to me chest when my father barks out in a drunken voice, “If you want more than that, yer gonna haf to pay for more than just a sample.”

The man grunted, but thankfully pulled away allowing me to release my swollen lip from between my teeth. I heard him shuffle towards the doorway and leave with my father as they argued the price of my worth. Silent tears ran down my cheeks as my father estimated how much my body would cost. I sat up and dragged my hands down my grubby tear stained face. I hopped out of bed and tiptoed to Castor’s side of the room and began going through his clothes, the smell of him hitting me hard that the tears flow more freely.

 How could he leave me here to this? Did he not promise that he would always take care of me?

I pulled out a white worn button up shirt that had seen better days and brown breeches. I quickly discarded my nightwear and put on Castor’s clothes that fit me a size to large. I picked up his boots and shook my head. They were far too large. I sighed and pulled out my more feminine boots. They’d have to do.

I picked up the last piece to add to my ensemble, Castor’s hat. I stiffen as I feel my hair brush my waist softly. I whimper as the thought of cutting it crossed my mind. My hair was the only quality my mother and I shared other than our small statures. I husked in a breath and made a decision. My hair stayed as it was.

I braided my hair into a messy braid and tucked it under the hat. I hastily wrote a letter for Castor in the off chance that he returned back home and found my absence. I stuck it under his pillow and as gracefully as I could possibly manage, I crawled out of the window.

I shielded my eyes at the first peeks of the morning light. I turned back to my house, the house I had grown up in, and sent a silent good bye. I considered crawling back through the window and going back to sleep until I heard my father bellowing with his mates.

I flinched and turned around quickly as I made my way to the harbor. Hopefully I could find work as a cabin boy or powder monkey. I pulled up my large breeches and jogged towards the docks, the promise of a life away from this dreadful one had me pushing my legs faster.

AN: This is my new story. It's a pirate novel.  Please continue reading, we've not even scratched the surface of this book. Hope you like it, please leave a vote.

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