The Cursed Captain

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Picture to your right is of Adeline

What the hell are you doing in here?!” a deep voice boomed from behind me. I dropped the drawing back on the desk and spun around. My breathing came out harsh as panic overtook me.

I stared into the angry blue eyes and tried to think of something to say to explain my trespassing. “Answer me!” Captain Flynn roared. Loki was going to kill me.

I racked my brain for an explanation but nothing came to mind. I was caught doing something I shouldn’t have been doing, in a place I shouldn’t have been in.

I wanted to curl into a ball; I seemed to be failing at everything lately. Now I was going to be kicked off the ship before we even left port. My shoulders drooped.

“Are you daft? I asked you a question!” Flynn yelled. His face was going red with anger. I flinched. I was just about to say that I had been looking for the bathroom, when Argo popped his head through the doorway.

“Oh there you are Aiden! Thanks for straightening up in here as I had asked. We’re about to set sail and you’ll not want to be missing it.” My heart leapt with glee. I could’ve kissed Argo, but me being disguised as man, that would have been a terrible idea.

I nodded and walked past the fuming Captain and out the door following Argo in tow. As soon as we were out of hearing range I let out a huge sigh of relief, “Argo, I cannot thank you enough.”

Argo just shrugged and kept walking as if he hadn’t of just saved my hide. I had to walk swiftly to match his long strides.

“What was up his arse anyway, I mean it was just a room” as soon as the words were out of my mouth, so was the wind in my lungs.

One second I was walking beside Argo as if we were the finest of mates, the next I was pushed against the cold wooden corridor walls, his hand around my neck. He didn’t look quite as beautiful with the look of rage he wore as he stared me down.

I swallowed, fear racing through my body. “Have a care about what you say about the Captain of this ship and best mate of mine, cabin boy.” he spat. “You cannot even begin to comprehend the sufferings he’s overcome. So when a pissy arsed little lad with a wench’s voice comes around meddling and chattering about things he doesn’t understand, it certainly infuriates me.” He said venomously, his face inches from mine.

I held my breath as he stared me down. After what felt like years, he released me. I dropped to the ground grabbing at my throat, my breath coming out in shallow gasps. I looked up but Argo had already disappeared leaving me alone below deck.

I pulled my knees to my chest and pressed my face into them. What the hell was I doing here? I was a fisherman’s disappointment, a soldier’s sister, and dead seamstress’s daughter.

There was absolutely nothing special about me. I had no skills other than sewing and I was clumsy and troublesome, just like Father had said. I had no business aboard a ship amongst cruel pirates.

I lifted my head and dragged the sleeves of Castor’s shirt over my eyes drying all trace of tears. It was settled then; I would be abandoning ship the next time we docked.

Adeline (Watty Awards Finalist 2013)Where stories live. Discover now