Dangerous Waters

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Check out the picture to your right if you care to see how the mermaids look

“Those stories of sirens must be just legends, nothing’s happened” All the crew members ignored, like they always did. I let out a frustrated groan and turned to head below deck for a nap, when I heard a loud splash.

I locked eyes with Argo, “Mermaids” he whispered.

My eyes widened in shock. Feelings of terror and panic raced through me. The crew huddled closer together; I leaned in closer as well. Would they scale the ship and grab one of us. The thought left me with the urge to urinate.

Flynn walked onto the deck with a swagger and a smug look on his face, Loki following behind min with a look of fear.

“Come on men! Will we have women frightening us so? Back to work. The quicker we sail through this godforsaken hell the better.” Flynn yelled at the huddled crew.

I swallowed, surely he was joking. What man would brave going near the railing of the ship? What if he was pulled over?

The crew ambled back towards their stations slowly as if that would help any. I considered slipping below deck but quickly discarded the thought. I was no longer the coward girl from a tiny village, I was a pirate now. Of course every man on this ship would say otherwise, but they were irrelevant.

I pulled up my too large breeches and marched over to the mast where Argo stood.

“Aye mate, what can I do to help?” I asked rather loudly asserting my dominance.

Argo raised an eyebrow, “What in God’s name has gotten into you?” he asked smugly.

Why was he smirking? Did he not realize that we were treading dangerous waters? “I am here to assist in any way possible.” I stated.

Argo scoffed, “Wanna help? Stay out of Flynn’s way. Apparently you drive him up the wall and we’ll need the captain’s undivided attention at the moment if we plan on coming out of this alive.”

I rolled my eyes, “Oh Argo, the sea is calm, and we’ve only heard one spl—“ as I was talking another splash was heard from the left side of the ship. “two splashes I mean, and no one’s dead yet. I think it’s safe to say we’ll be coming out of this victorious. And what do you mean apparently I drive him up the wall? Does he speak of me?” I asked.

Argo laughed, “For someone who claims they hate the man, you sure are bothersome when it comes to inquiring about him.”

I gasped and lightly hit him on the arm, “Are you insinuating that I don’t hate him?”

Argo shrugged, “Maybe, maybe he doesn’t hate you either.”

I grabbed Argo’s arm, “What do you mean?”

“Well you didn’t hear it from me. Actually say you heard it from Loki” Argo said mischievously.

I sighed in frustration, “Just tell me!” I persisted.

“Okay okay, don’t tear off my arm. Flynn said—“

Adeline (Watty Awards Finalist 2013)Where stories live. Discover now