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Picture to you right is Argo

Flynn rubbed at his mouth. "It's morning, and I've been away from the ship for too long."

I stared at him quizzically. "And?"

He sighed. "Did Indie not tell you of our little condition? It's been an entire day. I need to get to the water now."

I gasped, it had been a day. God only knows what's malfunctioning in Sara's body. And now Flynn was going too. We needed to get out of here, and I had no clue as to how that was going to happen.

"What should I do?" I asked, panicking lacing through my voice.

"Just back away, you've done enough already." He muttered. I winced from his bitter tone. I didn't know if he was referring to the fact that Sara and him were here because of me, or that he thought I loved him.

I leaned away from him and closer to Sara. I looked on as he bit his lip in pain. His bruised lips. I bruised his lips.

Oh God what was the matter with me? I practically threw myself at him. Siren powers or not, I thought I had some sort of control. I closed my eyes and leaned against the stone wall.

I had thought Flynn and Indie's father dead, but it seemed he was very much alive toying with his own sons, pitting them against one another. I sucked in a breath, if what Flynn was saying was true, that meant that I was at risk of dying just because the bloody fools thought I was enamored with Flynn. What rubbish!

He was rude and angry and he argues about everything. I hated the way his eyebrow would raise when he's mocking me, and how he rolled his bottom lip into his mouth when he was in deep thought. I abhorred the way he ran his fingers through his hair when he was stressed and how his jaw clenched when he was at a loss for words. He was intolerable.

So then why did I kiss him?

If what he said was true about the whole feeling something already thing, I was concerned. Maybe I didn't know I felt something for him. I was willing to accept that. Who could ignore him? The man was handsome.

But if liking him meant that I would be killed, it wasn't worth it.

And I absolutely knew that I wouldn't like this Elizabeth woman had I had the displeasure of meeting her. What woman toys with the hearts of two brothers? Flynn deserved much better than that.

I opened my eyes as a drop of water dropped on my head. I looked up and glared at the leaking roof. Now it's raining outside. I looked over to Flynn to see that he had fallen unconscious.

I gasped and rushed to his side.

"Flynn?! Wake up!" I shook him as hard as I could. I even slapped him a bit noting that this would probably be my only opportunity to hit him.

But he didn't budge. "Flynn dear God please do not die!" I yelled as I smacked him around. I laid my head on his chest to listen for his heartbeat.

It was faint but it was still there. He was actually dying in my arms. I was too scared to even go near Sara. I feared that in doing so, I might discover that she was no longer breathing and I couldn't bear that. I'd rather be ignorant.

I pushed Flynn off my lap and stood up. I held my head and took deep breaths. I could get through this. I was not a weak village girl, I am a pirate now. I am a pirate.

"I am a pirate!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"Who said you weren't lovey?" I almost urinated on myself at the sound of his voice.

I ran to the bars and squeezed my face through. "Loki! Oh how beautiful your face looks right now!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face.

"You look like shit." he remarked as several men of the crew filed into the small dungeon.

I just smiled, I was too happy to be offended. In all honesty, he was probably right. I moved away from the bar as the crew set to work opening it. A man, whose name I had not learned, bent in front of the lock with a long wire. He did some odd trick to the lock, and in seconds the large iron gate was opened.

I rushed out and embraced Loki as if I hadn't seen him in years, "What took you so long?" I asked as I released him.

Loki sighed. "We searched for you all for hours, twas pure luck I thought to come down here. We were worried when the crew all showed up to the docks but you three did not."

I gasped, the hype of being rescued made me forget about Sara and Flynn. "Loki quickly we must get them to water!" I rushed out.

Loki stared at me in surprise. "How do you know of Fly-"

"Doesn't matter, we need to get them to the water now!" I rushed out.

Just I was about to turn back to help lift Flynn, I was shoved aside roughly. "Hey!" I growled, but was ignored. Argo rushed to Sara like she was water and he was a man damned to die in the desert.

"Loki what do I do? The same thing with Flynn right?" Argo asked on the verge of hysterics.

I stared at him wide eyed, the girl had never even spoken two words to him and yet he carried on as if they were married. "Wait! Sara has the map. Remove it before you ruin it." I said more bitterly than I had intended. Loki arched a brow at my tone but said nothing.

He turned to Argo.
"Yes we need to get them both to water. Quickly men! Make haste!" Loki barked. The men all hauled Flynn out as Argo ran behind them frantically holding Sara in his arms.

"Shall we?" Loki held out his arm to me. I sighed and linked my arm with his.

By the time we got to the ship, I was out of breath and hungry like I couldn't believe. I watched in fascination as the crew and Argo dumped Flynn and Sara's bodies into the water and all began to file back onto the ship.

"Are we not going to wait for them to resurface?" I asked in horror. It had been nearly five minutes and not so much as a bubble had come up. I bit my lip nervously.

"Adeline we've done this before. Flynn is constantly playing with his life. You've no idea the amount of times Argo and I've had to find his unconscious body somewhere and dump his arse into the sea. He, and Sarasvati, will be fine." Loki said soothingly.

I nodded, worry still bubbling in me. Loki could say what he wanted. But until I saw them walking, talking, and breathing with my own eyes, I was going to worry.

It felt like hours waiting for them to resurface. I sat on the deck with my knees up to my chin. Loki had brought a bowl of porridge for me but I hadn't touched it. I was too nervous too even think of quenching the growl coming from my stomach.

I looked on in disgust as the crew played cards and drank as if our captain was not underwater for almost an hour. If Sara died, it would surely be my fault. It was my constant meddling and curiosity surrounding the Gaige brothers that got us locked in that dungeon.

I sighed and rested my head on my knees. I hadn't even begun thinking about the kiss. I knew this meant Flynn would be even more unpleasant towards me, if that were possible.

I cringed as I thought of him kicking me off the ship. But he'd have every right to, I was a liability. Why couldn't I be normal and fall in love with Loki or Argo? Why would I want the one man who was cruel and abhorred my presence?

As I wallowed in self-pity, the sun bore down on us like a woman scorned. All of a sudden the crew started stripping down to their pants and diving in. I watched in horror as William, the largest man I had ever laid eyes on, Took off his shirt and cannon balled in resulting in the largest splash.

"Adeline, join us." Emil taunted as he stripped off his shirt.

"No thank you..." I replied frostily.

His eyes ran over my body in an uncomfortable way. "Suit yourself princess." And with that he dived in. I shuddered as I replayed the image of him looking at me with want. The man was absolutely atrocious with his blackened front teeth and balding hair.

I stood up and made my way to the side of the ship. I peered over and saw all the men swimming around gleefully. I smiled as I saw Loki and Big William get in a splash contest. These men deserved some fun after having a captain like Flynn. Was there ever a time he was not yelling or demanding something.

"They'll be fine," Argo said as walked towards me. He stopped beside me and draped an arm over my shoulders.

"I know, but this is my first time dealing with something like this. I'm not like you and Loki and the rest of the crew." I replied. "I cannot help but to worry. How much longer is it supposed to take?"

Argo shrugged, "It varies depending on how long they were away from the water, keep in mind that Flynn was also injured. It may take longer for Sara however; it was her first time away from the water. Plus she's a full siren. Speaking of which, Flynn finally told ya his secret huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "I knew about that for a very long time. Indie told me seeing as how you would never have." I replied icily.

Argo smiled. "Wasn't my tale to share Adeli- Look! There they are!" Argo shouted while pointing in the distance.

My heart rate increased as I squinted. I made out two heads bobbing towards us at an alarmingly fast speed. As they got closer, I saw that it was Sara swimming and dragging Flynn along. Her tale was back and more beautiful than ever.

When they arrived the crew cheered. As soon as Sara was close enough Argo dived in fully clothed. I rolled my eyes at his behavior. I was starting to care less and less about his liking for Sara. After almost losing her, I wanted more than anything for her happiness. Hopefully Argo would be just the man to give it.

He paddled toward her and took off his own shirt to throw over her. It was then I noticed that she was naked except for the fact that she had a tail. She smiled thankfully at him. I looked on with a stupid expression at the two. I was so enamored in their bonding that I didn't notice the dripping wet man that had appeared beside me.

"They'll never last you know."

I spun around and rushed towards him before he could stop me; I hugged him tightly and then quickly pulled away ignoring the fact that he hadn't returned the gesture.

He gave me a disapproving look but said nothing. "It seems like they probably won't last but that's the thing about love, it overcomes everything." I said lowly.

Flynn narrowed his eyes. "Not everything, plus love requires two participants for it to be prosperous. Keep that in mind miss St. Clair." But the meaning behind his words did not escape me. And then he walked his dripping body below deck leaving me in awe that he didn't pull away from my embrace and utter sadness because he admitted that my feelings, being where ever they stood, were unrequited.

Thanks for reading! Leave me a vote and a comment if you liked the chapter. I entered this story into the watty awards 2013 (I think, I'm not really sure how it goes) so please don't be a silent reader.

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