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Picture to the right is Poseidon's Curse

My first friend and the only person in the world who ever gave me a chance was definitely not okay.

I didn't leave the room the next day. I didn't want to see anyone. I had barred myself inside and cut off all interaction. Flynn and Sara had come to mumble things to me through the door, but I hadn't listened in the least. I didn't want to speak to anyone. Being curled in the bed all day was my comfort. I didn't have an appetite or a care to do anything.


Sarasvati's POV

I ran the cool damp cloth on Loki's forehead wiping away the sweat. He was not dead, but he was not alive either. Twas as if he were asleep with no intention of waking up. We had tried nearly everything, from smacking him about to just plain yelling at him. We had wrapped his torso effectively. I was able to stitch him up from the lessons Addie had taught me, but it was not enough. He just would no awaken.

Adeline, Flynn, and Argo were a mess. Everyone assumed it hit Adeline the worst, but no one saw how badly Argo was taking it. Loki had been his best friend from since they were boys. He rarely spoke to me or even acknowledged anyone.

We had not moved since Loki's unfortunate accident and we were running dangerously low on food. But Flynn could not be bothered with such things. Not when the woman he loved locked him out of their room and his best friend was on his deathbed. Castor and Zintarrah were worried, but other than that, they were oblivious to all the pain we felt. They barely knew Loki and they were having too much fun jesting with each other for the sadness of everyone else to affect them.


Castor's POV

I held Zintarrah's hand in mine and rubbed my thumb gently over her palm, "I do like you" I admitted.

Zintarrah used her free hand to cover her blushing face, "I like you as well" she said softly.

I pulled her closer, our breath mingling as our foreheads touched. I wrapped my arms around her, shielding her from the cool night air. Her blue eyes were so enthralling, I felt myself leaning closer before I even know what was happening. I closed my eyes as our lips pressed together softly. So softly I could barely feel it, but I knew it was there.

I tightened my arm around her, deepening the kiss at the same time. She wound her arms around my neck and thrust her fingers into my hair as she leaned her entire body into mine. I groaned as she opened her mouth granting me entrance. Her smell and her touch were both so intoxicating.

I felt her body stiffen as I began lowering her to the floor of the deck, her arms tightening around my neck. I lay her down and ran my hands up and down her body.

"Wait!" she gasped.

I immediately pulled off of her in concern, "I understand" I said as I leaned onto my side.

She looked at me in confusion before understanding and then finally humor crossed her face, "Not about that" she giggled. I let out a breath of relief. I didn't want her to feel forced or obligated in the least.

"There is something poking me in the back" she said with a pout. She shoved me aside gently and sat up turning around to reach for the object.

She gasped as she brought it into the moonlight for me to see it better, "Tis the vial for the cure! And look, there's a bit left!" she exclaimed. I took it from her and stared into the vial. There was a bit left indeed.

"If I take this, do you think it will make me human?" she asked with a gleam in her eye.

I shrugged, "Look what it did to Indie. He's a mermaid and we all thought it would get rid of that gene. It turns out it found his human gene to me the abomination. Mocking isn't it?"

Adeline (Watty Awards Finalist 2013)Where stories live. Discover now