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I turned around reluctantly and started running towards the trees. But not before turning around one last time and seeing Zintarrah stand up on shaky legs. She sniffed the air as if she were an animal, her head snapping to me. I knew the Zintarrah I was familiar with was gone when she smiled cruelly at me showing off her long sharp teeth. I ran like I had never run before.


Sarasvati’s POV

I quickly hid myself under what seemed to be either an old kitchen table or an odd shelf. If the plan were to work effectively, I’d have to find my way to higher ground. I poked my head from under the table to see where I’d be best elevated when the groaning of the ogres sounded from the very same room we were in. They were here.

I dug my nail into my palms as their heavy footsteps got closer to the table. I sucked in a deep breath and peeked under the table once again. There’d be no time to get to higher ground now.

There were two of them. Two tall and very large ogres walked past the table I hid under. They had to be at least fourteen feet tall. They smelled horrendous and looked even worse. They were as black as coal with stomachs that hung over their loincloths. They had long ill taken care of hair that knotted all the way down their backs while the odor of decay followed them around.

I sent a prayer of thanks to the sea goddess. Both ogres were males, which would make my plan a lot easier than I had thought it would be. I sucked in a deep breath and abandoned the safety of my hiding place. I walked directly into the middle of the floor and cleared my throat demanding their attention.

What I planned to do had never been tried on ogres before. No one was ever rash enough to venture to this island to even attempt such a feat, but here I stood doing that very thing.

Both beast stiffened and turned around quickly locking eyes on me. The larger of the two immediately began licking his lips at the sight of me.


The smaller of the two leered at me, “Looky here Graintle! We’ve just found dinner I’d haf ta say. A tastey dinner at tha’ eh ole’ boy?” The larger one merely nodded still licking his lips. I sucked in a deep breath as they moved closer to me. I closed my eyes and sang the song of sirens.

“Drift into the safety of my caress

Let my voice soothe all your fears

Give the work and labor a rest

Come all men who hear

Let my kiss calm all your dreads

Let my touch seduce your soul

For tonight the sea shall run red

While our hearts turn black as coal”

I held my breath as I opened my eyes. There stood not only the two ogres, but Argo and Loki as well. They stared at me intently awaiting my command. I clenched my fist in anger. I had warned the idiots to get far away so that they wouldn’t be affected.

“Do you see that?” Flynn asked as he appeared from behind me.

I jolted from the sound of his voice, “See what?” I asked. I stepped away from Loki who was inching closer to me by the second.

“That around the creature’s neck; the glowing thing that sits on its necklace.” Flynn informed as he stared at the tall ogres with fascination. I looked up and immediately noticed what he was talking about. Twas a tiny vile hooked onto the necklace of the smaller ogre.

“You think that’s it?” I asked. He nodded not dragging his eyes away from it.

“Ogre, your pendant now” I said in my siren tongue. I winced as I saw Argo and Loki visibly shiver from the melody. The ogre snatched the necklace of his neck mercilessly and handed it to me as if I were fragile. I took it and handed it to Flynn quickly. I did not at all what him to think that I was still after the cure.

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