Wrong Feet

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This is unedited, and a bit short. I really am not sure if I like this chapter and I'll most likely rewrite it, but it's late and I really wanted to get it up.

Castor's POV

“What experiment?” I asked. I could tell that he was getting bothered by my endless questions, but I did not care. I was still weary on trusting him, betrothed to my sister or not.

“Just something I used to do with my father” he answered vaguely.

“You plan to sacrifice two of these men for power over the sea that may or may not come to you?” I asked incredulously.

Indie nodded, “I have never attempted it on men. If it works, we will have an advantage over Flynn and it will make the rescuing of your sister much easier” he reasoned. I was still unsure if this was necessary. Killing two men, especially men with wives and children was utterly immoral.

“Castor be smart! I love your sister with all my heart and I want to do everything within my power to save her! You should feel the same.” he picked at my morality.  

A long sigh left my lips, “Sacrifice them.” I muttered.


“We’ve arrived” Flynn yelled.

I jolted up out of bed disoriented, “You didn’t have to yell. You gave me a start” I muttered.

Flynn shrugged as he put on his shirt and boots. I sat up and rubbed at my eyes. We had arrived to the place that held the cure. Now we’d finally be done with this voyage. I grabbed my boots, slipped them on and followed Flynn above deck.

“Step lightly.” Flynn said softly.

“STEP LIGHTLY BOYS! Just because we’ve reached our destination doesn’t mean we’re in the clear yet.” Loki barked.

I was just about to make my way below deck to fetch Sara when the cruel memory of her departure hit me like a ton on cannons. I inwardly screamed. Things were already bad and she hadn’t even been gone very long.

I halted as Argo appeared from below deck. His face was clean shaven and his eyes were bright. He brushed passed me as if I were invisible. Had I been a lesser woman, I would have hurled an insult or two his way.

He could ignore me as long as he liked, it did not change the fact that someone we were both fond of was gone.

“Loki, Argo, Emil, and you four, we will be going to retrieve the object. The rest of you keep guard of the ship.” Flynn said as the crew listened on.

I gasped, “Aren’t I coming with you?”

Flynn sighed in annoyance and grabbed my arm, “If I had known falling in love with you were to be this exerting, I’d have thrown you off the ship in Dominica” he muttered.

I pulled away from him, “You cannot just leave me here! I want to come.” I argued.

Flynn shook his head, “Adeline, I will not speak on this matter again. At least I did not sneak away while you were asleep”

I gasped, “You were going to do that?”

He smirked, “It crossed my mind” he said with a wink.

‘Sorry” Loki mouthed as he ambled passed me. I snapped my teeth at him.

I looked on in annoyance as the bunch of them got into the small boat and sailed away. How dare they leave me? I was just as much a part of the crew as the rest of them. I sunk onto the floor of the deck and drew my knees to my chest.  If Flynn thought I’d be forgiving him for this, he had another thing coming.

Adeline (Watty Awards Finalist 2013)Where stories live. Discover now