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Picture of Adeline to the right (It was requested)

He had outsmarted us all. Never in a million years would I have been able to figure out his plans that were so brilliantly concocted. That he had controlled me enough to manipulate my feelings, that he had known I would be so stupid to fall for the one man I shouldn’t have. A single tear ran down my cheek as I came to the cruel realization that we had all been played for fools.


Castor’s POV

“There are no such things as ogres, now come on. Who knows what that scoundrel could be doing to my sister?” I yanked on Zintarrah’s hand once again attempting to pull her through the large doors of the castle.

She shook her head adamantly, “I am not going in that place and neither are you. I made a promise to your sister that I would guard your life with my own and allowing you to enter that place would be breaking that promise” she said firmly.

I let out a frustrated breath, “I am a man and you are a feeble woman. What I say goes!” I growled. Zintarrah raised a blonde brow before the sound of a hand smacking flesh was heard. I stood still dumbfounded as my cheek stung unforgivingly. The twit had slapped me.

“Where I come from, women are regarded with the same likeness as men. I am not up to par as to how women are treated here, but I will not be treated as anything less than yourself.” She said calmly. I held my hand to my stinging cheek listening to her in both anger and admiration.

“Well if we are not to go inside, then how are we to assist her? I will not stand by while my sister’s life is in danger.” I muttered.

Zintarrah shrugged, “The captain will take care of her.” She said nonchalantly.

My jaw dropped, “The very same man who kidnapped her? Are you daft? He shall kill her if anything!” I yelled.

Zintarrah stiffened and through her hand over my mouth silencing me, “Be quiet Castor, you will wake the creatures and then they all will be doomed. And furthermore, I was under the impression that they were lovers.”

“Who told you that rubbish?” I asked astounded. Maybe Zintarrah was not on my side after all.

“Sarasvati did of course. She spoke of their ever difficult love and the captain’s murderous half-siren brother. Quite an odd pair those two are, half siren brothers I should say” Zintarrah informed. I stepped away from her slowly letting what she was saying sink in.

That made no sense. Indie was the brother Adeline loved, wasn’t he?


Sarasvati’s POV

I closed the door slowly behind me, “Now where’s the cure supposed to be hidden?” I whispered.

Loki shrugged, “I have no idea. I don’t even think Flynn completely knows. The map led us to this island and that was all. We just assumed it would be here. It’s the only place on this island of any importance. And put this on for the love of the gods. Argo will kill me if he knew I saw your unmentionables.”

My hope for finding Argo easily deflated, “So we have to search this whole house for them?” I whispered in an annoyed tone as I grabbed his shirt, put it on and buttoned it up. Loki winced at my brashness but nodded anyway.

I turned and took a look at the large indoors of the house we were standing in. Everything was much larger. The doorways were as high as four men standing on each other’s shoulders. The chairs and tables looked as if they were built for abnormally large people or very small giants. The furniture was very old and seemed to be poorly made as if they were rushed and made by unskillful carpenters. The whole place had the odd scent of rot. It was as if the whole house were rotting around us. It was over all a foul place to live.

Adeline (Watty Awards Finalist 2013)Where stories live. Discover now