The Drawing

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Picture of Argo to your right

Flynn bid the crew good night and disappeared into his chambers while Argo hustled everyone below deck.

As I lay in my bed, the story of the cursed captain settled in my head and refused to leave, even as sleep claimed me, thoughts of mermaids, captains and scorned crewmen filled my dreams.

The overwhelming feeling of being watched overtook me, waking me from my sleep. I didn’t dare open my eyes. Had my hat come off while I slept? Did they know my secret? I held my breath not daring to open my eyes. Opening my eyes would mean having to face whoever watched me, and that didn’t seem so appealing.

I willed the stranger away with my mind, but ended up giving myself a minor headache. After minutes had flown by I had come to a decision. I would open my eyes and face them. I was impersonating a man after all. I would be just as brave as one.

I opened my eyes and took in a sharp breath. I locked eyes with the first mate of Poseidon’s Curse and held my breath. He stared at me with a look of wonder and confusion. He reached out and touched my hair. I lay frozen afraid to make any sudden movements. He pulled my hair straight up inspecting the length. I winced as his eyes widened.

“For the love of God Adeline, can you not hide that bloody hair properly by now?” Argo and I both jumped and looked upon a sleepy eyed Loki.

Argo stood up and strolled towards Loki, “You knew about this?” he asked while grabbing Loki’s collar and pulling him against his chest.

Loki smiled lazily, “But of course my beloved Argo, dearest most bestest friend of mine. Is there anything that goes on aboard this wretched ship that I do not know of?” he laughed.

I slapped my hand against my face. Loki was still drunk from last night’s activities. He was going to get me thrown overboard. I scrambled out of bed, wincing as I felt my hair brushing my waist. That would certainly not help my case.

“Argo, please understand that Loki was just helping me. I had nowhere else to go and I apologize deeply for my dishonesty, but there was no alternative” I pleaded. Argo looked between Loki and I and then sighed. He released Loki reluctantly and turned to me.

“You do know being caught could mean your death don’t you my dear?” Argo said slowly. I almost swooned. My dear?  Had he positively lost it? Didn’t Argo absolutely abhor me?

I pushed the confusion off of my face and answered, “Yes sir, I know the risks and I’m willing to take them.”

Argo raked his hands through his auburn hair. I looked around. Was the crew really this drunk that they could not wake up with all this racket?

“You’ve got to keep this hidden from Flynn. I do not even want to think about what he would do? He’s not really the understanding type.” Argo said. Loki nodded in agreement.

I couldn’t contain my happiness at the fact that Argo would keep my secret. I surged forward and hugged him. He immediately wound his large arms around me. My eyebrows rose into my hair, Argo was hugging me back.

Adeline (Watty Awards Finalist 2013)Where stories live. Discover now