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Picture of Captain Flynn to your right

“We set sail at the break of dawn, so get a good night’s sleep. It’ll be the last one you have for a while” he said as he walked to his chambers. The last thing I saw as he closed the doors was his abnormally blue eyes.

“Hello? Anyone home?” I blinked as a pale dirty hand waved in front of my face. I turned and faced a humored Loki.

“What?” I asked innocently. He smirked.

“Try and keep your eyes more on your work and less on the captain. He’s a ruthless one, doesn’t take too kindly to liars, women, and stowaways, which you so happened to be all three of.”

I rolled my eyes, “I am not interested in the captain, or in any man for that matter. I’ve enough of your lot to last me a lifetime.”

Loki shrugged and walked away. I was just about to follow him when I was grabbed roughly by the shoulder and spun around. I bit back a scream. I came face to face with the beautiful first mate, Argo. He was holding a mop and pail, a smug look on his face.

My shoulders drooped, my first order of work: mopping the deck. I took the mop and pale and began the tedious task of mopping the vast deck. For some spots, I had to get down on my hands and knees and scrub with an old rag I had found.

The only thing making the chore bearable was my own humming. I had always been told I had a nice voice, whether it was truth or just a compliment to be kind, I do not know.

By the time I had finished, the deck was nearly empty, except for a few of the crewmen playing dice off in the far end of the ship. I hadn’t seen Loki since earlier and Argo had disappeared too, probably to sleep.

I made my way below deck to pack up the cleaning supplies and store them where Argo had said they were to be put; in a room near the kitchen. I hummed all the way there finally having time to be alone and wander the ship by myself.

I packed the supplies, and turned around to head to bed when the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I was being watched.

I noticed the silhouette of a rather tall large man in the shadows. I bit back a scream and composed myself. “Who goes there?” I asked as threateningly as I could manage.

The person didn’t as much as move let alone answer. I bit my lip, what if this person had come down here to take advantage of me? I quickly dismissed the daft thought. No one but Loki knew that I was not a fellow.

I was just about to reach behind me and grab the mop as a weapon when the intruder stepped forward revealing bright blue eyes that almost glowed in the darkness. I knew who it was before I saw the harsh planes of their face. It was Captain Flynn himself. I gasped, “Sir? I hadn’t realized it was you. I apologize did I wak—“

“Was that you humming?” he interrupted. My eyes widened. I was so foolish. Why was I humming like a senseless buffoon? I was a man. Men don’t hum. I was going to get myself caught if I kept making idiotic mistakes.

“Your Captain and superior has asked you a question lad, come on and answer.” Captain Flynn said with authority.

Adeline (Watty Awards Finalist 2013)Where stories live. Discover now