Chapter 12

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Eliza's POV*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*£*

I turned around and saw 4 boys.

Oh damn, some of them were hot!

I smiled and them and I saw Harry tense.

"Ello Eliza, nice show you put on there" the one who had dark green

eyes smiled at me.

He had a adorable smile

Dark brown flipped hair

And tan skin. He was fine.

Louis elbowed me softly and I snapped back to reality.

"Oh uhmm thank you" I blushed. Harry growled.

"What styles? I don't smell a bond between you two" the one with amazing green eyes pink lush lips an amazing smile, tan body well built. Hot.

"Shut up jake....I'm working on it" my head snapped towards Harry. I smiled softly at him then looked back at the boys in front of me.

"So you're jake aye?" I asked looking at him.

He nodded "and you're the all famous Eliza" he smiled and took my hand then kissed the top. I smiled.

"And you are?" I asked the boy who liked my 'show'.

"I'm Blake" he winked and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"I'm Logan" holy shit, he's the hottest.

He had light brown hair with piercing blue eyes. He had dimples and an smile that melts your heart.

He was the most muscular and tan but not too tan.

"Hello Logan" I smiled and shook his hand. He pulled his hand back fast.

"Ow!" He looked at his hand

"What!?" I said looking at his hand too

"You burned me." He laughed

"I-I did!?" I was shocked and I felt bad. "Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I just- uhmm-" before I could finish he kissed my cheek quickly then smiled

"Don't worry...I'm fine" he showed me his hand and I blushed.

"And I'm Cody" he smile

He had blonde hair brown eyes a cute smile and he was tan too.

"Hi" I waved. I felt someone's arms wrap around me. I expected it to be Harry but it was Louis. He pulled me away from them. I sighed

"Anyway. What are you guys?" I asked curiously.

"Wolves" Logan spoke calmly. I nodded

I looked at Louis and hugged him "I'm scared" I whispered

"Why? You're scarier then all of us" he chuckled. I nodded

"Thank you Louis" I smiled

I turned back around and saw Harry. He looked hurt so I walked over to him "do you want to talk?" I asked quietly. He shook his head. I nodded

"Why are you here?" Harry asked them.

"Her" Logan pointed at me, he must be the alpha.

Harry shook with anger. "She's mine" I felt Harry wrap his arms around me and pulled me closer.

"No bond no safety" Blake smirked.

Harry sighed and let me go "why do you want her?"

"Just some fun" Logan smirked

I shuddered as Logan's deep voice hit my ears.

I looked at Harry "Harry you are going to have to trust me" I said quietly. He nodded and pecked my lips. I was surprised. I smiled then walked to the four boys.

Logan smiled and they all shifted.

"Good bye Harry...good bye Louis" I smiled and waved then climbed on Logan's back. They ran to Logan's house.

I sighed as we walked inside.

"Now listen, you will not fight us...okay?" Blake threatened. I winced.

"Blake, stop" Logan put a hand on his shoulder.

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth.

"Listen, I am not going to 'have fun' with you" I protested doing the quotation marks with y hands.

"Oh come on, you know you'll like it" Logan wrapped his arms around my waist, sneaking his hands down my thighs.

I groaned and elbowed him.

"Please, just don't touch me" I muttered.

I saw his blue eyes and melted. "D-did you save me the other d-day?" I asked stuttering.

His eyes darkened. He laughed deeply, this side scared me.

"If I tell you Harry might be happy or sad"


Sorry guys school is staring and my updates get slower.

Well love you!

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By bad asses


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