Chapter 19

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Eliza's POV~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|

I just want to eat but I can't. I'm too anorexic. It sucks honestly.

I wish I felt more confident in myself.

I got up and ran to the bathroom, throwing up anything I had eaten.

I wasn't serious case of anorexia. Just a mild one.

I heard some one open the door then they pulled my hair back for me.

I looked up to see Niall

"Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned face.

"Why would you care?" I asked sticking my nose in the air.

I got up and flushed the toilet then rinsed my mouth out with water and mouth wash.

"Because you are my mate, remember?"

"Well I guess I forgot last night" I snapped then walked out of the room.

I was in the kitchen in front of all of the boys when a hand caught mine

"Listen Eliza, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I did the things I did to you.

I'm sorry for letting Logan take your virginity.

I'm sorry for being a terrible mate." He sighed looking down.

I felt my face flush red.

All of the boys were staring at me, their jaws hung open.

"What?" I asked them.

"Logan took your virginity!?" They all yelled at once....well except for Harry. He already knew.

I chuckled then looked at Niall.

"It's okay just please, don't let it happen again" I smiled then kissed him softly.

He kissed back immediately. I smiled then pulled away when Harry growled and Louis stood up his fangs popping out.

I laughed then sat down at the table.

Niall sat down and stared at me. "Are you okay?" I nodded slowly.

"Why did you barf?"

I shrugged

"Eliza" I snapped my attention to Liam.

"Yes your majesty?" I laughed but he had a straight face.

"Why did you puke?"

I started getting nervous. "Maybe I have a cold" I said coughing slightly.

"Don't bullshit us" Blake snapped.

I winced and his face softened.

"Because I'm sick you bozos" I growled then ran upstairs to Harry's room, locking myself inside.

Moments later i heard knocks on the door.

I sighed and opened the door.

Louis smiled weakly at me.

I stepped out of the doorway and Louis came in locking the door behind him.

I sat on the bed and Louis followed.

"Louis can you keep a secret?" I asked looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah of course. Anything for you" his eyes flashed purple and I smiled.

He was telling the truth.

I sighed "I-I'm anor-rexic" I stuttered and Louis's jaw dropped.

"Why!? You are the prettiest creature I have ever seen. You are beautiful and when you smile it takes my breath away. You are amazing.

Everything you do amazes me. You are wonderful and gorgeous in your own beautiful way" (A/N: to all the girls out there)

I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

Louis pouted and pulled me onto his lap.

I cried into his chest till I couldn't anymore.

I wiped my eyes as Louis rocked me back and forth, whispering sweet things in my ear.

I looked at Louis and smiled "thank you" I pecked his lips then climbed off his lap.

"Okay let's go back down there." Louis chuckled and I agreed.

We walked downstairs and arms engulfed me immediately. I smiled at Harry.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm perfect" I smiled "so uhmm lets go do something?"

They all nodded and I paused "wait what about Logan?"

Logan's POV<•> <•> <•> <•>

That bitch is going to die.


Hey there!!! Sorry my chapters will get shorter! Thanks for reading!

I love all of you!









10 more votes for the next chapter!!!

Bye my bad asses 😘





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