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Lilah and I emerged from the room into the kitchen where she sat at the table.

"How did things go?" Luke asked.

"Actually they went pretty well." I smiled as I glanced over at Lilah."

"Assuming everyone is done with breakfast...." Luke began clapping his hands together. "Why don't we do something fun today?" Luke finished.

"Like what?" Callum muttered.

"What about the carnival at the park?" He suggested.

"Yay park!" Lana cheered.

We walked onto the grassy field, and I borrowed one of Lucy's strollers. Carter and Summer sat in the stroller together.

"FACE PAINT, FACE PAINT!" Lana pointed.

"Who wants to get their face painted?" I asked.

"Oh I do, I do!" They all cheered. Luke and I walked the kids over to the face painting station, Lana went first she requested a butterfly, Callum wanted a Zebra, Carter wanted to be a koala, Lilah wanted to be a tiger. I was stuck being a puppy and Summer was a teddy bear. Luke stayed to get his face painted as we went to go play at the water gun booth. They played against each other for teddy bears, we watched a magician play tricks. And watched a man make balloon animals for them. I felt a tap on my shoulder as I turned around. I viewed a brightly colored smeared face with a wig and a bright red nose, I screamed in fear tossing some of my popcorn his way.
"Relax, it's just me Jane." He wrapped his arms around me. I swatted his shoulder.

"You know I'm deathly afraid of clowns." My heart raced in my chest. He pulled off his wig and nose as the kids started laughing. Slightly frustrated at Luke I turned to my phone to text Lucy she was in town and ready to pick up the kids. I texted her back to meet us at the fair.

We walked the kids to where Lucy and Calvin were waiting. The kids ran up to them and told them about everything we did while they were gone.

"Thanks for watching them." Lucy smiles as she embraced her littles. Luke whispered to Calvin for a split second.

Calvin took Lucy aside. She nodded with a big grin on her face.

"What's that look for?" I asked as Luke handed Summer over to Calvin and Lucy.

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it a thing. Have a fun! First dates are so exciting." Lucy squealed.

"Wait, Jane and Luke are boyfriend and girlfriend?" Callum asked with a disgusted look.

"Awwww are they gonna kiss." Lana asked.

"Oooooo." The girls chanted.

"Ewwww Luke, Jane might have cooties!" Callum protested.

"Do not!" I retorted a bit offended.

"Pipe down kiddos let's go play some games." Calvin turned the band of kids in the opposite direction steering them away. I turned to Luke.

"First date huh?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am." He smiled holding out an arm as I chuckled.

"Such a gentleman, who are you and what have you done with Luke Barrett?" I joked.

"I'll have you know, I've always been a gentleman." He grinned his dimples showing through and my knees almost buckled at the sight.

"I didn't bring flowers but may I offer you instead some cotton candy." He laughed flustered.

"My favorite!" I chirped.

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