( A.K.A face sucking machine)
Your lips will fall off any minute now.
Yes, I'm watching you.
You watched me so
don't think you're special.
Oh, and you may or may not
be sucking Tyler's face off.
And you may or may not
be wearing a really short preppy skirt.
And you may or may not
be sitting in the hood of his car
with him standing in between your legs.
And I may or may not be
writing this letter
on the roof of my car while eating Doritos.
What can I say?
This is my life now.
You might as well
just call me Ryderla
and dress me up in pink
with 7 inch heels.
I seriously need to have sex
with Natalie again.
And I say again because
we did it this morning.
I kind of see why you don't read my letters anymore.
You're too busy playing the
"I'm dating a really popular
football player named Tyler,
therefore I'm popular now too" game.
No, I've never heard you say that.
Hell, I've never talked to you since that night.
But that's probably how you feel now.
All that popularity has gone to your head.
Well, you want to
know something funny?
Nobody takes the thing
between you and Tyler seriously.
And you want to know
something even funnier
he's just using you.
Using YOU.
I'll be more than happy
to elaborate further
but I'm afraid
you don't read these
so what's the use?
Take care in all that you do.
Hugs, kisses, and that
xoxo gossip girl thing
girls put on facebook.
Later, baby.
(P.S Hit me up for the scoop. And, I'm not talking about ice cream anymore, although I am craving some right now.)
Dearest, Heartbreaker.
Short StoryA collection of letters dedicated to you. The one and only, heartbreaker. In where a girl suffering from unrequited love writes her lover a series of letters expressing her feelings towards him. (Short story)