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I'm sorry for what happened today.

I didn't mean to make him bleed.


at least not that little.

I'm glad I punched Tyler

and I'm not sorry about that.

But I am sorry that

you had to see me like that.

I'm also sorry that you

didn't hear what he said.

I know you're not going to

believe me but please just hear me out.

I had free I period today

and I was walking through

the hallway wondering what to do

when I passed by the locker rooms

and I heard people talking.

Naturally, I heard my name

in the conversation so I got

near the door to hear better

and guess who was talking?

(more like bragging).


He was bragging about

how close he was to

having sex with you.

He said and I quote

"she's so in love with me,

the little virgin is already clingy.

She's practically begging for it."

By then I kicked the door

with my foot

and I just threw a punch to his eye.

He wasn't even expecting it,

so it was easier to kick his ass.

The rest of the guys that laughed

when he said that ran so fast

out of the locker rooms

when I hit him.

I guess it's good to know

his friends don't have his back.

You obviously know what happened next,

he hit me back and

then I hit him back

and we were just throwing

punches until you came.

Along with the principal

and the teachers that broke us apart.

I didn't mean to make you cry Violet,

but please listen to me.

He's going to hurt you

way worse than I ever did.

And he's not going to apologize.

He's going to laugh at you.

Violet, he's doing a dare with you.

They're going to pay him

money for sleeping with you

and then he's going to

break up with you.

The whole school knows this.

If you don't believe me

ask Ana or

tell Tyler you know what he's up to.

I know it's a lot to ask,

but trust me.


(P.S I busted my knuckles for you, and I don't do that for just any other girl.)

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