Chapter One

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Rain descended from above and just so happened to fall upon a young girl awaiting a carriage. She was waiting for the carriage that was supposed to have taken her to New York. She stared listlessly out into the dark, shadowy abyss of the road. She ocassionally glanced at her pocket watch. Nine o' clock. They were an hour late. The girl sighed and closed her eyes, letting the painful memories that the rain had brought back flood her thoughts.


"(Y/N)!!!!" a faint voice cried, echoing down the dark halls of the large house. "RUN!"

(Y/N) didn't bother questioning and ran for the window. She knew it was only a few feet away from the ground, so she'd be fine. As soon as she reached the pane of glass, she looked over her shoulder one last time, tears forming, blurring her vision. She noticed a tall, slim silhouette staggering towards her. She gasped in alarm and practically threw herself out the window.

She hit the ground hard, her elbow scraping the rocks. The small girl took no chances, and scrambled to her feet. She hesitantly glanced up, making sure she wasn't being followed. The figure was leaning out the window, but clearly wasn't going to jump.

(Y/N) ran away from that house and all the way to an old family friend's house, which was about half a mile from her former abode. Tears fell freely as it began to sprinkle. Eventually, the water droplets got bigger and fell faster, feeling like microscopic needles stabbing into her bare flesh. Her soaking wet nightgown stuck to her sides, and her hair fell in her face.

After almost an hour, (Y/N)'s little legs had finally carried her to the Laurens residence. She willed herself to stumble up the small pebble path in which led to the beautiful cherry wood front door. She had just enough energy to rap twice on the carved door before her legs gave in.

(Y/N) collapsed to the ground, her knees making a sickly slapping noise on the wet cement. A few moments later, the door creaked open. (Y/N) lifted her head wearily to see a fairly tall man answer. She sighed in relief and fell back to the floor. After that, she couldn't hear anything and comprehended nothing. All she remembered past that was that the man had taken her inside and laid her down.

The next thing she recalled was a slim brunette woman leaning over her, holding a warm towel to her forehead. The woman was humming soothingly and smiled when (Y/N) opened her eyes.

"Good morning, young one." she said, brushing (Y/N)'s -- now clean and dry -- hair away from her face. 

The young girl looked around and saw her best friend. She immediately reached for him, too tired to jump up and hug him.

"Jacky..." she whispered, pleading for him to get closer to her.

The boy perked up and sprinted to her side, "(Y/N)! You're awake!"

The woman ruffled the boy's hair, "John, you stay with (Y/N). I need to go and get your father."

John nodded, "Yes, mother."

The woman stood and left the room.

John looked back at the girl, "What happened, (Y/N)? How come you're here?"

(Y/N) cringed, remembering what had happened the night before.


Her thoughts were abruptly cut off, allowing her to see the carriage finally pulling up and coming to a stop. A young man with fairly poofy brown hair and a freckle-covered face poked his head out the back to grab her bags. He almost instantly recognized her, "(Y/N)!! I didn't know you came!"

(Y/N) squinted and realized who it was, "John!!! You joined too?!"


A/N: I really hope you all liked this first chapter~~~~ ;w;

It was really hard.. But~

Since I also love Laurens, I made my beautiful hawkwolf (AKA Reader-chan) be his best friend~~

I'll make a new chapter soon, hopefully!!

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