Chapter Ten

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Everyone got quiet.

Hamilton opened his mouth to respond, but got too choked up to answer.

Not a word was shared between anyone once those three words were uttered. Laurens and Hamilton shared a glance and Hercules stared down at the ground.

(Y/N)'s heart raced, "Laur.... Where is Lafayette??"

"Lafayette is..." Laurens trailed off.

(Y/N) waited impatiently for an answer, the suspense was killing her, "Where is he?! Is he okay??"

Hamilton pushed Laurens aside, "Lafayette is alive."

Hercules nodded, "Yeah, Laf is.. Alive.."

(Y/N) sighed roughly, thanking the heavens that adorable Frenchman was at least still walking this earth. "Wait... Wh-Why are you saying it like that...?"

The three looked at each other, as if trying to use telekinesis. Laurens bit his lip and gazed at her, "(Y/N)..."

"Jacky please..." tears pricked at the edges of her worried (E/C) eyes. "Where is he???"

Laurens sighed, "Herc..."

Hercules nodded reluctantly and opened the rather dirty, paper thin sheet that was separating her from the other patients in the infirmary.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in horror as she laid sight upon Lafayette, breathing with shallow breaths, blood soaking the bandage that was tightly wrapped against his torso area.

"Wh-What happened?!" the girl managed to squeak out her tight throat.

"He... He saved you, (Y/N)." Hamilton whispered in acknowledgement.

Saved me? The girl's head was spinning in terrible confusion.

"If Lafayette hadn't jumped in and grabbed you before the redcoat attacked you from behind, you'd be dead..." Hercules murmured.

(Y/N) forced herself to try and stay calm, pushing back the pain the throbbed in her leg while she struggled to stand up. The three helped her stagger to the Frenchman's bed as heavy tears began to fall freely from her eyes. She gazed at Lafayette's pale face, his open mouth sucking in barely enough air to hang onto life. His lips were dry, and his uniform had been stripped off him. (Y/N) gently touched his hand, but she pulled it back immediately, taken aback by how cold it was. He whimpered softly at feeling her hand on his, and almost miraculously, his eyelids blinked open. 

"(Y-Y/N)....?" Lafayette croaked, his voice cracked and broken. He stared up at his friend with dull brown eyes.

(Y/N) felt about ready to burst into tears when she heard his voice, "G-Gilbert....?"

Lafayette gave the girl a weak smile, "Mon cheri... Do not cry... S'il vous plaît..."

(Y/N)'s cheeks burned with hot tears, "Laf... Come on... You're gonna be okay... D-Don't you dare leave me..."

Behind her, Laurens and Hamilton were trying their best to push back the tears themselves. Meanwhile, Hercules was bawling his eyes out.

"Hah... I'm just glad you are okay, amour..." Lafayette reached out to cup her chin, "As long as mon petit papillion is safe... I do not care about anything else... J-Je t'aime...~"

Lafayette's eyes grew more dull and hand suddenly fell limp, dropping down from her face.

"Gil.... Gil...? Gil??" (Y/N) small voice filled with sorrow, "Laf no!!!"

She threw her arms around his limp frame, "No... No no no..."

Laurens pulled her away gently, "Come on... There's nothing we can do..."

(Y/N) screamed out in anguish, "Lafayette!!!"

Hamilton helped lead her away as nurses and doctors rushed to see what was going on. Before (Y/N) could see what they were doing, Hamilton pulled (Y/N) against his chest, murmuring soothing words in her ear. He finally allowed his own tears to stream down his face, watching the doctors attempt to revive his friend.

The girl sobbed into his ruffle shirt, praying to God that this was all only a bad dream and that she would wake up soon.

Hercules and Laurens joined the hug, holding the girl comfortingly.

He was gone..

The beloved Marquis de Lafayette...

Was dead.

(Y/N) pulled away from them to hear the shouts of hundreds of men. She looked around in confusion, only to find get vision blurring horribly. She tried calling out to Laurens, but nothing came out. Then, a bright light shined in on her from an unknown source.

"(Y/N)!! Come on, cheri! Allons-y !"


A/N: ಥ_ಥ Plz dun kill meh...

I sowwy..



Also, feedback feeds mai whale OwO 🐳 ((sorry I stole this idea from ppl I love XD))

À bientôt :)

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