Chapter Eight

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The group walked out of the building to follow the small redheaded man. When they made it out the door, the man had already gotten up on a pedestal to begin his little speech. (Y/N) stood as close to Lafayette as she possibly could, and watched to observe the young man's strange antics. Hamilton crossed his arms, watching as well.

The little red-haired man cleared his throat and straightened up to make himself look at least a little important. He then swept his gaze over his audience before dramatically beginning.

"Hear ye! Hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury, and I present free thoughts on the proceedings of the Continental Congress!" Seabury royally announced. His gaze fell upon Hamilton, who was clearly getting angry. Seabury challenged Hamilton with his brown eyes before continuing.

"Heed not the rebels!~ Scream 'revolution'! They have not your interests at heart!"

Hercules groaned, "Oh my gosh.. Tear this dude apart!"

"Chaos and bloodshed, are NOT a solution!"

Hamilton pulled up his sleeves and stomped toward him. Seabury shook his head and pointed at him, "Don't let them lead you astray!!"

Hamilton growled and interrupted, "Yo! Here I am to unravel at the sound of-"

Samuel cut in, his voice cracking a bit in frustration, "Screams!!"

"But the revolution is coming!"

"Don't let them lead you astray!!!!"

This argument went on and on, until finally, Seabury trembled and ran off, tears welling up in his eyes. As he fled the scene screaming, "FOR SHAME!!", a small group of redcoats came into the picture.

Two of the redcoats walked up to the platform and spoke, "Silence!! A message from the king!! A message from the king!!!"

(Y/N) glanced at Lafayette and Hamilton, curiosity glittering in her eyes, "What's this?"

Lafayette bent down to whisper in her ear, "It's a message from le roi de Angleterre."

"The King of England..." (Y/N) repeated, unconsciously translating.

Lafayette looked at her in surprise, not quite aware that she had known French. He smiled happily, "Oui !"

(Y/N) grinned, feeling her cheeks light up a bit.

Hamilton shook his head angrily at the redcoats and stormed off, back into the building. Laurens, Hercules, and Lafayette all looked at each other in worry before speeding after him. When they got inside, the little group kept together.

Lafayette remained silent next to (Y/N), randomly glancing up at her nervously. The girl noticed this and giggled, trying not to let herself think too much of it.

"Hey Hamilton, you did great! You made him cry!!" Laurens exclaimed in an effort to brighten the angry atmosphere.

Hamilton chuckled, "So I did. I did not mean for him to get upset. I only meant for him to stop talking bad about Congress."

"You know that Loyalists aren't going to stop trying to get Patriots to sympathize the British cause." Hercules chimed in.

Hamilton huffed, "Oh well. It was worth a shot."

Without another word, the five gathered their things and awaited their journey to begin.


It was about 5 o' clock in the evening when the Continental Army side decided to set up camp near a place called Bunker's Hill. (Y/N) was given the choice of who she was comfortable sharing a tent with due to her gender.

Of course, she picked to stay with Lafayette. She would have chosen Laurens, but she was afraid that he would be uncomfortable with sleeping in the same tent as her. As well as this, she wanted to get to know her French ally a little more closely.

Lafayette set his bag down on the ground and laid down, exhausted. (Y/N) giggled and threw her bag next to his and sat near him. She smiled at him and murmured, "Sleepy?"

Lafayette nodded and turned his head so he was looking up at her with his right eye. "Oui... Je suis fatigué..."

(Y/N) laughed lightly and patted his head, "Well, you get some rest. General Washington says we might go into battle tomorrow at first light."


A/N: Im so sorry it took so long...

And it's short...
I tried...

Welp... Hopefully, the next chapter will come out soon!

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