Chapter Fifteen

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The incident between (Y/N) and John Laurens was washed away like footprints by the ocean waves in the long months of battles and ongoing war. However, (Y/N) never really forgot it.

In her heart, she knew whom she was in love with, but her mind forced her to think otherwise. How could it not? She'd known John all her life!

(Y/N) shook these painful thoughts away when she heard her lover murmuring her name softly. He was recovering from his musket ball wound very well, though he wasn't fully healed quite yet.

The Frenchman gently brushed a stray hair away from (Y/N)'s (S/C) skin to bring her clear (E/C) eyes into his view. The corners of his plump lips curled into a small smile, "(Y/N)... Ma cherie... What is giving you the bother...?"

Lafayette's English was gradually getting better, even though he still mixed up one or two words in a sentence. It never got old when he tried to say a word he didn't know.

(Y/N) let her worries dissipate back into the dark depths of her subconscious and focused all her attention on the Frenchman. "Nothing is bothering me, Laffy... I'm just.. Thinking about some things."

Lafayette nodded, "Well... I needed to tell you something very important..."

"And what's that?"

"I am leaving to go back to France tomorrow morning..." Lafayette's eyes wandered around the tent.

"You're.. Leaving...? For how long...?" (Y/N)'s heart cracked just a bit. What was she going to do without him? Lafayette was the one person that kept the girl on her feet in this war. The only one that kept her from lashing out in rage at the opposing soldiers and breaking the traditional formation.

"For a couple months at the least.. I need to get money..."

"...and guns..."

Lafayette nodded, lifting her chin up, "But I promise to you, I will return before you even remember that I was gone..."

(Y/N) looked back into those dark eyes, "Alright... You'll write to me...?"

"Every day... Every day, mon amour..."

With those reassuring words, he brought (Y/N)'s lips to his. Every time they did this, it was like their first kiss all over again. Their hearts beat together, thumping out of their chests in harmony. Their lips moved in sync, and Lafayette held the back of (Y/N)'s neck.

It was magic.

But this time, Lafayette got bold and gently trailed his hands down her sides. His fingertips ghosted over her uniform pants as he pulled away, moving down to kiss her neck.

(Y/N)'s face went red, "Gil... What are you doing...?"

Lafayette smiled playfully and looked up at her, "I want to do something before I need to leave you...~"

"But Laffy..."

"Have you not done this before...?" Lafayette looked rather shocked.

The girl shook her head, "No... Have you...?"

Lafayette nodded in confession, "Only once... With a woman I knew once in France.. Her name was Adrienne..."

"Oh..." (Y/N) felt slightly hurt.

"But do not worry, ma cherie.. I love you more than any other woman. You are all I need."

(Y/N) bit her lip and nodded slowly. With that, Lafayette continued what he had started, slowly unbuttoning her uniform and pushing it aside.

"You're beautiful, mon amour..." Lafayette stared in awe at his lover's frame.

(Y/N) looked away and shook her head, "No... I'm not..."

"Nonsense... Do not say such things about yourself. You are perfect." Lafayette kissed her cheek.

And so, (Y/N) allowed herself fall into the seductive arms of euphoria and ecstasy that night. She was now officially his. And he was hers.

They fell asleep, tangled up in the other's arms and legs. The warmth of their bare bodies formed a barrier from the chill of the night.


The next morning was painful for everyone. (Y/N)'s heart strained for her Lafayette as she watched him board the ship that was to make it's way to France.

Hamilton and Laurens waved to their friend, holding back tears.

Hercules had tears streaming down his face already, and was trying to about things at the Frenchman. "Stay safe!! Don't forget to write!! And make sure to patch your clothes up if they get ripped!!"

Lafayette waved to all of them once he was aboard. He blew a kiss a to (Y/N) and threw a rose her way.

He yelled something as well when he tossed the flower, but it was difficult to hear what he had said over the bustle of the ports.

(Y/N) jumped to catch the beautiful red flower and smiled brightly, waving once again. Though she knew he couldn't hear her, she whispered to him, "I love you..."


A/N: And it's finally here XD

Huhuhu I hope y'all liked this chapter. It took forever for me to figure out what to write about, but then I somehow came up with this thing...

Merci beaucoup to everyone that nominated this book for the Watty's Fanfiction Awards!! It really means a lot to me when y'all do things like that <3

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See y'all next chapter!!~

À bientot !

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