Chapter Three

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The small group turned to see a man standing a small distance away from them. "Eh? Is something funny?"

The boys straightened up and smiled at him. Laurens ran up to him, "Hey Hamilton!"

(Y/N) tilted her head, "Hey... Herc? Wasn't this the guy you said I had to meet?"

Hercules grinned and nodded, replying in short, "Yep."

She looked back at the man and walked toward him, setting the bags down. Hamilton smiled when he saw her, "Hello. Are you Laurens's friend? Perhaps his girlfriend?~"

Laurens groaned again, "No!! Why does everyone think that?!"

Lafayette and Hercules snickered behind them. (Y/N) giggled, "No, he's just a friend. And actually, I didn't even know that he was going to be here! I just happened to be lucky enough to join the same branch of military as him."

Hamilton nodded, occasionally stealing a glance of Laurens trying to hide his pink face. "Well, you two should probably get to the barracks. You look exhausted! Here, bring these two idiots with you." he said, gesturing to Lafayette and Hercules.

The two didn't seem to hear him. They just carried on their conversation. Laurens and (Y/N) looked at them and rolled their eyes. Laurens turned and spoke to Hamilton, "Oh alright... You should get some sleep too, hmm?"

Hamilton shook his head, "Naw.. I need to finish up some stuff.."

Laurens stared into his eyes, his own filling with concern, "Please.. Just... Try?"

Hamilton paused for a minute before responding, "Fine.. After I finish though. Now go!"

Laurens grinned and grabbed his bags again, along with some of (Y/N)'s. He rushed out of the ballroom and into a hallway that most likely led to the barracks. (Y/N) quickly snatched up the remaining bag, throwing it over her shoulder. She then grabbed Lafayette and Hercules by the wrists, "Come on guys, bed time!"

The two laughed and followed obediently. (Y/N) tried to catch up to Laurens, watching him round a corner and disappear behind the wall that followed it. By the time she finally caught up to him, he was already opening the barrack door. (Y/N) entered the room behind him, with Hercules and Lafayette in tow. She placed her bag on a bed and released the two. She sat down and swung her feet, looking around to study the barracks. It wasn't anything special or fancy, but it was tidy and functionable. Lafayette flopped his bum next to her, "Bonsoir~"*

She smiled at him, "So you're from France?"

"Oui ! What about you, where are you from?"* he inquired cheerily.

"Well, I'm from-" she began, being cut off by the sound of people speaking in the hall, or rather, singing. Everyone grew silent, straining to hear what they were humming.

Finally, the faint song became louder, just loud enough to be audible. "You're an orphan? Of course! I'm an orphan! Gosh, I wish there was a war, then we could prove we're worth more than anyone bargained for.." Came a voice that she recognized to be Hamilton's.

Then, a different, new voice responded, "Can I buy you a drink?"

"That would be nice.."

"While we're talking let me offer you some free advice? Talk.. Less." the unknown voice said, making everyone raise their brows and look at each other in confusion.

Even Hamilton was puzzled by this, "What?"

"Smile more!"

Hamilton chuckled in slight relief, "Oh haha.."

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