Chapter Seventeen

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After what seemed like eons of gruesome, tiring training, preparing, and hardship, finally, the day had come for the battle. The battle that would supposedly end this war, and allow Washington, as well as his troops, to march back home to their families, with the gift of freedom streaming like a cape behind each and every person in the colonies- no. Scratch that. Every person in the United States of America. Oh- how wonderful that felt on her tongue, the way it rolled across, like her united country had been born to be named states.

(Y/N) could hardly contain herself, the excitement of it all shone in her bright, (E/C) eyes, her stupidly wide grin, and even oozed through her pores. She couldn't wait to see her Gilbert return from that ship. She couldn't wait to hold him in her arms. She couldn't wait for this whole revolution to be over so she could run off to France with him.

Then they'd get married...

And have children...

Woah woah woah- wait a minute there, (Y/N).

She stopped herself before she managed to drift too far from her whereabouts at the present. Now was definitely not the appropriate time for gallivanting along in her own little dream world. She had a duty to attend to. It was her turn to patrol, so she most certainly could not be distracted when so many lives were at stake.

While her friends, as well as the rest of the Continental Army, prepared for yet another bloody battle, (Y/N) noticed something moving around in the trees. She squinted at it, confused as to what it might be. Gripping her musket tightly, she started to walk closer to the group of trees she'd seen movement in. Cautiously, the girl glanced around, scanning her surroundings to make sure that she was alone, not being followed by another one of those maniacal red-coated loons. With a light-footed prance, the young woman made her way closer and closer to the source of the ever-so-slight movements in the bushes. Her (E/C) eyes burned with a zeal that would most certainly shirk that of any man's. She was so determined to find whatever it was. The suspense of her own footsteps made her blood rush with the thrill of adrenaline. She snuck up on the large shrub and pounced, like a cat attacking it's prey. "Ho there!"

With a short yelp, a boy near (Y/N)'s age held up his arms, seemingly surprised and unprepared for a fight. "A-Ah! D-Don't hurt me, please, miss!"

Confused, yet still wary that this boy could be putting up a silly act, (Y/N) gave a light huff and backed away, "Who are you, and what is your business here in the Continental camp?"

The male stood to his full height and brushed off his tailcoat, ridding the dark brown cloth of the leaves and dirt it had picked up from when he was crouched down behind the plant. His skin glowed a creamy caramel tone, his wavy, raven hair pulled back into a queue. He appeared to have been lacking any sort of weapon, which led (Y/N) to assume he was not of military ranks. In a soft, low tone, he finally spoke up for himself in response to the girl's inquiries. "My name is Cameron... Cameron Voloway..."

Uncertain, (Y/N) frowned and stared him down a bit longer before deciding to ask him something. In a cool, collected tone, the girl spoke with her arms crossed over her chest. "Are you a soldier?"

"Well... Not exactly, ma'am.. I'm a farmer... But I was called to help out with... other military related activities." the unmistakable hints of a Scottish accent lurked behind the nervous, trembling voice of Cameron.

"Farmer..." (Y/N) repeated to herself, taking a mental note of everything he said, what he wore, how he spoke. Knowledge was a strength in war, and this boy could very well be a threat to them. The more that was known about him, the better.

"Yes, ma'am... My family and I-"

The female soldier raised a hand, indicating that he shut his trap. "Mmh. Why are you here?"

"Well I-" he began, but was once again cut off, however, this time, by a voice that was not (Y/N)'s.

She somehow recognized the voice when the other called out for the boy she was presently speaking with. It was not a friendly memory...

"Voloway! We got a problem?" a deep, gruff voice whisper-yelled from a little ways away.

"Mr. Docherty! Thank the Lord you came... I just ran into thi-"

"Oi! This lass! She's a rebel, you fool!" the man, who had just emerged from wherever it was that he had crawled out of, donned a bright red coat, and a shiny musket to match.

As soon as she saw his face, it hit her. It was the redcoat she had encountered in her dream before Brandywine. But how? She had never met him before... Unless-

"Oi! Get the woman! Take the silver!"  a loud voice shouted from across (Y/N)'s room.

The small (H/C) haired child was cowering under her bed, where no one had seemed to care enough to search. She had heard gunfire and screams for what seemed to be hours now, and it was horrifying. She had no idea what to do, her mind spun- hell- the world seemed to spin!

All of a sudden, she heard her mother's voice shriek out to her, faintly, but she was sure it was her mother, all the same, "(Y/N)! RUN!"

Without even stopping to think about it, (Y/N) scrambled out from under her bed and made a mad dash for the window. Tears in her eyes, she dared to take a glance behind her. She was greeted with the sickening grin of a young man, who looked positively insane. Though he was a blur, she would never forget his face. It would forever haunt her dreams, and one day be the motive for her to join the Continental Army. After less than even a second of staring into the murderous face, she jumped right out of that window and ran and ran to the first safe place she could think of.

Jacky's house.

(Y/N) deadpanned. She felt nothing, and then anger, and all at once, she felt the strong, untamable urge to kill. She wanted to drive her bayonet right through the chest of that man, the man that had been there the night her family had been killed, the night her mother had warned her, the night she had been forced to stay at the home of her best friend, the night that had changed her life forever. She wanted more than anything to shoot his brains out and scream, "THIS IS FOR MY MOTHER, YOU BASTARD!"

But she did not do any of this.


A/N: Heya guys!! Aaaaa I'm so terribly sorry for how long it has taken me to update this thing, I have just had so much going on with high school and volunteering and drama and such

I honestly forgot about this thing entirely until I really needed to do something to ease my mind off of someone... I really hope you guys are doin alright, and enjoy this special chapter.

In case you were wondering who this strange "Cameron Voloway" is, well, he is a character of mine from a book I'm working on! It might be posted here, I'm not sure as of now... But he is a cop, and is Scottish. The book is weird- I might explain next chapter is you guys care haha

Welp... Bye for now, y'all!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2017 ⏰

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