Chapter Two

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John grinned excitedly, "Oh my gosh!! It's been so long! I never would've thought we'd meet again because of a war!"

(Y/N) smiled and handed him her bags, "Me neither, great minds think alike, I guess."

John took the bags and threw them in. He set his elbow on the railing and placed his chin in his palm, "So now you think I'm smart, huh?~"

The girl rolled her eyes playfully, "Sure, John, if that's what you want me to think."

John snickered and helped (Y/N) climb into the carriage. When the horses began to trot off into the dark city, John tried to start up some small talk. "So, (Y/N), why did you join the revolution?"

The young woman brushed a few wet strands of hair away from her eyes and behind her ear. She sighed and thought of a liable excuse, "Well, I hoped to find a job, but this was the only interesting one I could find."

John raised an eyebrow, "Is that so...?"

(Y/N) nodded nervously and struggled to think up another plausible lie. The last thing she wanted was for her best friend to know the real reason she had signed up for this bloody revolution. Small sweat droplets beaded at her temples and slid down the side of her head. However, the small sweat drops blended in with the rain that covered her entire body. "Yep..."

John nodded and eyed her suspiciously. He knew that it took a lot to be able to get all the way to New York and serve in the Revolution. Knowing this, he pressed her for more information, "Well... What do you plan on doing when we get to New York?"

"Oh! I'm going to be part of the military strategy!" (Y/N) replied, her face brightening. But, this smile quickly disappeared when she noticed how John was staring at her, suspicion glimmering in his deep chocolate brown eyes.

"Why though? Why do you want to be a part of this mess?" John pried.

"I-I already told you, Jacky.." she shot nervously.

John opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off by the carriage driver announcing that they had arrived at their destination.

John smiled cutely, his face lighting up. "Yay!~"

(Y/N) giggled and hopped out of the carriage. John chucked the contents of the carriage out of the back and jumped out as well. He smiled and sighed happily, "We're here!"

John bent down and picked up a few bags. "Well, what're we waiting for? Let's go!" he exclaimed enthusiastically, running to the rather large building. (Y/N) wasted no time. She quickly lifted a few bags and trotted off to follow him.

When they entered, they saw a giant ballroom filled with round tables. Each table was filled with people that had turned their heads when they heard the doors open. The walls were decorated brightly with patriotic ornaments, much like the generals whose uniforms were covered with multicolored badges and patches.

"Wow.." (Y/N) breathed, staring in awe at the magnificent sight. John chuckled and continued walking. He stopped when he noticed another man, who he seemed to recognize, and smiled broadly. He strode up to him swiftly and called out to him, "Hey Herc!"

The darker, more robust man, looked up from his conversation. He waved and stood to greet the two, "Laurens! Glad you could make it, brother!" he then noticed (Y/N) and smirked. "You brought a friend? Are you Mrs. Laurens?"

(Y/N) laughed sarcastically, "No! We're just friends, right, John?"

She looked over at John, whose freckled face had turned bright red. He nodded and became a stuttering mess, "Pfft n-no! Yeah, Herc, j-just friends!"

The man chuckled and teasingly punched him in the shoulder. "Aw come, Laurens, it was just a joke! Oh, I'm so rude, my name's Mulligan. Hercules Mulligan."

He held out his hand for the girl to shake. She gingerly accepted, and he shook her petite hand heartily. (Y/N) smiled brightly, "I'm (Y/N)..." she said quietly. "So... Who else is here that I should know?"

Hercules thought for a moment, "Well, you should probably meet Burr, maybe Washington... Lafayette? Oh! Most importantly, you need to know Hamilton!"

John nodded in agreement. (Y/N)'s face took on a puzzled look, "Huh? Those are names?"

Hercules and John looked at each other and back at her. "Well... Here, we call each other by our last names because there's so many other people with the same first names." John explained.

(Y/N) pondered for a moment. A grin tugged on her lips indicating that she understood. "So... I guess I should call you Laurens, huh, Jacky?"

Hercules burst out laughing at the nickname, "Jacky?!"

John rolled his eyes and pushed him away, "Sure, I guess, (Y/N). And stop that, Martha gave me that nickname!"

Hercules wiped invisible tears away from his face, "Ohhh that's a good one, I'll have to tell Laf about that!"

"Tell me about what?" a voice came from behind them. It seemed to be an immigrant's voice, given the thick French accent.

Laurens and (Y/N) turned to see a tall, slim man looking down at them. Laurens grinned, "Hey, Laf! Herc was just being an idiot. Ignore him."

The taller man chuckled and looked at Hercules, "What did you need to tell me?"

Hercules waggled his eyebrows and grinned mischievously, "Oh nothing, just a hilarious name that (Y/N) just called Laurens."

Laurens groaned, "I was nothing, go away, Laf!!!"

Lafayette raised an eyebrow, "(Y/N)?"

The girl nodded and pressed her lips together awkwardly, "Yep... That's me.. I'm (Y/N).."

Lafayette nodded. "Ah, enchantè, mademoiselle~"* he smiled, his dark eyes glittering, "And what was this nickname?~"

"Jacky~" (Y/N) replied, much to Laurens's displeasure.

"(Y/N)!!!! I told you not to call me that!!" he groaned hopelessly, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Uh, no you didn't. You were actually the one that wanted me to call you that."

Laurens's eyes widened like moons and his face glowed light pink in embarrassment, "Wh-What?!"

Lafayette and Hercules blew up in laughter, "You're never gonna live that down, I hope you know that~"

Suddenly, their laughter was cut off by yet another man speaking. "Hey guys, why are you laughing?"


*Translations: "...Nice to meet you, miss~"*

A/N: Welp... I hope that horrible chapter was good enough for y'all...

eue I left off at a cliffhanger~ Ooh~~

Just gotta wait till next chapter, hmmm?~

Hehe~ Don't worry, it'll be up soon! And I have an extra special suprise for all my loyal hawkwolves in the next chapter!!! Guess guess~~~

Well, that's it for today, mes amies~ À bientôt !~ 03<

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