Chapter Six

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Lafayette smiled, "Don't be nervous, cherie, is anything the problem?"

"No..." (Y/N) replied simply.

He lifted her chin gently, "You know, (Y/N), you have very beautiful eyes."

(Y/N) felt her face instantly become a stained pink. She forced herself to stay confident and stare back into his warm dark brown orbs of his. After thouroughly thinking a response through, she managed to softly murmur her response, "Th-Thanks... I could say the exact same thing to you."

Lafayette smiled and released her chin, "So... You're all ready to go?"

"Yes. Are you?"

"Oui~ Of course."

(Y/N) nodded slowly, only half-listening. She felt her stomach churn when Lafayette flashed her his adorable grin.

Wait... Adorable?! (Y/N) shook her head, trying to push the thought to the back of her mind. Why was she thinking these things? She practically just met the man, and even more importantly, they were about to fight in a major war.

If she got to attached to anybody, she'd have to go through all that heartbreak over again. She couldn't do that a second time. The whole reason she'd come was to escape all those horrible memories. And to get her revenge. Revenge on the British, who had murdered her parents so long ago when they had refused to let the officers stay in their home.

She shook her head from these thoughts and focused her attention back on the Frenchman. His gaze was full of concern and was fixed on Hercules.

"I'm assuming you two are very close?" (Y/N) asked softly.

Lafayette blinked in surprise, "Quoi ?"

"You two are close?" she repeated.

"Ah, oui.. he's one of my best friends here. Alex, John and Hercules are my closest friends." Lafayette smiled.

(Y/N) nodded, "I see..."

Over the next few moments, an awkward silence filled the room. (Y/N) squirmed in the uncomfortable quiet. Lafayette inhaled sharply, searching for a way to break the silence.

Almost as if on cue, a small grunt came from the bed. Both Lafayette and (Y/N) immediately turned their heads to see Hercules sitting up and holding his head, "Man... What happened..?"

"Well, you had a really bad hangover. And then when Alex tried to wake you up, you ran into the wall." Lafayette explained.

Hercules stared at him, "Sorry, what? I ran into a wall?"

(Y/N) giggled, "Yup. That hangover was pretty bad."

Hercules shook his head, "Where's Laur and Ham?"

"They went to go get ready to leave." Lafayette nodded.

"Heh... 'get ready'~" Hercules teased.

Lafayette laughed, "Woooow Herc."

(Y/N) shook her head, "Ew Herc. That's not very nice."

Hercules stuck his tongue his tongue out at her, "I bet you like Laurens!"

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "Well, he is my friend."

Hercules snorted, "No, like, you'd marry him~"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "Oh my goodness... This again."

Lafayette and Hercules looked at each other for a moment in confusion before saying in unison, "Again?"

"Yup. This happens every time I tell anybody that I'm friends with John. They assume that I'm attracted to him simply because I've known him for so long. Honestly, he's more like a brother, or a cousin to me."

Hercules' and Lafayette's eyes widened as he stared in horror, not at her, but behind her. (Y/N) because very confused, and turned on her heel to see whom they were gaping at.

Behind her stood the small freckled man. John, her best friend since who-knows-when, with his mouth curled into a slight frown his eyes looked hurt and as soon as those pained dark brown eyes met (Y/N)'s (E/C) ones, he flinched and ran.

(Y/N) immediately ran after him and shouted his name, "John!!!"

Lafayette and Hercules joined in the chase, gaining on Laurens before the shorter female.

Lafayette got close enough to grab his arm, "Laurens!! Stop! What's wrong?"

Laurens protested, "Let me go!! Lemme go!!!"

Hercules grabbed his arm, "Come on Laurens, pull yourself together, what's wrong??"

(Y/N) noticed that Laurens had dropped something in the hot pursuit. When she knelt down to pick it up, she realized it was a letter. Not just any letter; it was addressed to her. She held it up, "John.... What's this?"

Laurens froze and breathed shakily, "(Y/N).... Give that back... Please..."

The girl raised an eyebrow, "It says it's to me..."

Laurens stared at her with his pain-filled dark brown eyes, but didn't say anything to her in response.

(Y/N) took this opportunity to open the envelope and carefully pull the letter out. As she did this, Laurens desperately tried to free himself from Lafayette and Hercules's grip.

She unfolded the letter and began to read it. Her eyes went over each and every beautifully curvy letter, slowly, to make sure she read everything and didn't miss anything. Realization soon slapped her in the face as she read it:

My dearest (Y/N),

I know that you may not feel the same way towards me, but I have always felt around you. You make me feel needed and useful. You als taught me how to respect myself and move on. You may not know it, but all this helped me through my life. Without you, I wouldn't be in New York, ready to fight in the revolution. I wanted to thank you, for I have not seen you in quite some time, it's been about six years now. I also wanted to delivery my important message before I jump into war.

(Y/N)... If I die... I need you to know... That I love you.

Truly yours,
John Laurens

The girl looked up at Laurens, who had completely given up on escaping and was hanging his head, her heart filled with guilt, "Oh John... I... I don't know what to say..."

Lafayette and Hercules released Laurens so he could speak his mind. Laurens responded in a soft, shaky voice, "You don't need to say anything... I know... You don't feel the same..."





Welp, don't forget to vote and comment!

I'm gonna go write in 'He Plays the Violin' now! :D

Baii my smol hawkwolfiez!~

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