Chapter Eleven

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(Y/N) shot forward, panting and sweating like a dog. Her eyes darted around to find herself in the place she had gone to sleep-

Before the battle.

She gasped and held her breath, surely that was all just a dream. She bit her lip and glanced beside her, pleading the good Lord had answered her prayers.

She nearly shouted out in relief and happiness when she saw those dark brown corkscrew curls popping out from under a sheet. Without a second thought, she wrapped her arms around him, tears of sheer joy pricking at her eyelids. Lafayette's eyes fluttered open and he looked down at (Y/N) clinging to him, crying, in confusion.

"Er... Mon amie...?" he yawned drowsily. "What is the problème...?"

"L-Laf!!" (Y/N) cried out happily. "I-I thought you were dead!!"

Lafayette stared at her and furrowed his brow,  "Non....?"

"I- You.. You saved me... A-And then... Y-You.. Oh Laf..." she couldn't bring herself to think of that horrible scene over again. She looked at Lafayette, pain filling her face.

Lafayette gasped, "Sacrè bleu !! Non non non !! D-Don't cry, s'il vous plaît !!"

He sat up and pulled her closer to his chest and stroked her hair lovingly, "I am okay... I'm not going to be dying any time, amour.."

(Y/N) smiled, feeling all the weight of the world being lifted off her heavy shoulders. Lafayette pulled her away and looked into her eyes. (Y/N) felt her heart skip a couple beats and pound against her chest.

"It was all just a... Uh... Scary... Night... Dream...?" Lafayette struggled in choosing the correct words.

(Y/N) giggled a little, "A n-nightmare...?"

"Ah oui, there is that pesky word!" He pumped his fist in the air , feeling proud of himself for learning a new word. He smiled and looked back at her, his chocolate brown eyes shimmering in the dim-lit tent. (Y/N)'s heart must have been going about a million miles per minute when he started leaning in toward her.

She closed her eyes when their lips touched, melting into the kiss. Lafayette smiled and held the back of her head ever so softly. He pulled away after a moment or two and smiled at the, now calm, woman.

"Bien ?~" Lafayette inquired, chuckling.

"Y-Yes..." (Y/N) whispered, a small smile curling onto her lips.

"Très bien !" Lafayette cheered and took her hand.

His hand was warm against her skin, it felt nice. Knowing he was really alive made everything okay. Now he just had to stay alive.

Out of nowhere, Hercules's head popped into the tent, "Ay, guys!! It's showtime!!"

Lafayette and (Y/N) looked at each other before nodding to Hercules, "We'll be out."

Hercules nodded back and ran off to go wake everyone up as well. Lafayette stretched and yawned before pulling his purple jacket on and standing up. (Y/N) grabbed her uniform and slipped it on over her makeshift pajamas (her white ruffled shirt). Once she was done, the two exited the tent together and walked to where everyone else was. General Washington was explaining the plan to his men, with Hamilton at his side.

They spotted Hercules and Laurens, rushing to join them in the long line of soldiers. Hercules grinned widely when he saw them, "Hey Laf! Gmornin, (Y/N)!!"

(Y/N) smiled and waved back, "Good morning, Herc!"

Lafayette stood next to her and turned his eyes to General Washington and Hamilton. He listened intently, not wanting to screw up mid-battle. (Y/N) slipped her hand into his, becoming nervous of what could very possibly happen in a few moments once they were on the field. Lafayette looked down at her and flashed a reassuring smile. She smiled back, but couldn't help but remember her terrible nightmare.

Visions of blood and death played in a loop in her head, over and over again. She tried to push the thoughts away, focusing back on Hamilton. She noticed how tense he was, his eyes scanning everyone with such precision. When his eyes fell on (Y/N), he gave her the tiniest smile, seeing the fear in her eyes. She smiled back, mentally telling him she was not okay.

Hamilton looked away and shifted where he was standing. Although he'd been waiting for a war, he understood how she felt. He was nervous too, no matter what he told himself. This war could lead to one of at two things: he would rise up and become the biggest name in history, or he would die. He couldn't have that. His Eliza was expecting him, and not only that, his Eliza was expecting. The weight of the world seemed to be stacked on his shoulders as he looked at all the men who could very surely be walking into their own graves.

Washington then spoke, "Alright! Men, move out!"

Lafayette, Hamilton, Laurens and the rest of the higher ranking soldiers mounted their horses and rode in the front, near to their general. (Y/N) was left with Hercules to march after them.

Here we go... (Y/N) told herself. This is it...

The real thing. The battle.


A/N: HAHAHA happy?!

I TOOOOOOLD y'all I'd make up for last chapter!!! And did you believe me? NOOOOOOO

I see how it is ಥ_ಥ

Hah~ Jk

Love you all, my tiny little baby hawkwolves~ (´∀')

OH!!! Some of you may know that I've been going to Tech Camp lately... Well... I actually MET ONE OF YOU GUYS TODAY AT TECH CAMP AAHHHHH!! Idk ur Wattpad, so gimme a shout, gurl!!! SHOUTOUT TO WHATEVER ANDRÈA'S WATTPAD IS!!!!! LOVE YAH XD

Whale.... Hope you're satisfied.

I died writing this.

❤RIP: Trinity Ramos❤

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