Chapter Five

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The afternoon sun shone in through the small windows of the bar. (Y/N) glanced around to see Laurens and Lafayette leaning on her. She also could seethat Hercules and Hamilton had crashed in their chairs. She rubbed her eyes and yawned silently. Even so gently, (Y/N) lifted Laurens and Lafayette off of her, placing their heads on the counter. Laurens whined softly in his slumber, making quiet kitten-like noises. Lafayette was out like a light and didn't make a sound, or even move a muscle. (Y/N) smiled at them, "Ohh you guys are so adorable when you're asleep~"

All of a sudden, Laurens jolted awake, causing himself to fall off the chair. He fell on his bum and groaned, "Augh.... Why me...?!"

(Y/N) gasped and jumped down to help him, "John, are you okay?"

Laurens looked up at her, his face turning slightly pink. He nodded slowly before hissing and holding his head, "Ugh.. My head is pounding..."

(Y/N) shook her head, "That is because you drank too much. We slept all afternoon!"

"I forgot we came here in the morning... So much for the Story of Tonight..." John laughed in a low tone. "Is anyone else up?"

The girl shook her head and motioned around them, "They're all out like a lantern."

"Oh... Alright. Well, we should wake them up and get ready to leave." Laurens gathered himself and stood slowly, still rubbing his head. He walked over to Hamilton and gently shook his shoulder, "Alex... Wake up..."

Hamilton muttered an inaudible phrase and flailed his hand around in a failed attempt to shoo Laurens away. Laurens chuckled, "Come on Alex, I'm gonna burn your papers if you don't wake up."

Hamilton was suddenly wide awake, "Okay I'm up!! I'm up!!"

This small outburst caused a chain reaction of hungover men waking up in surprise and fright. Lafayette shot straight up, as if he was a marionette getting his strings pulled. Hercules suddenly jumped up and ran without thinking twice causing him to run into the wall rather than out the door. He groaned and fell to the floor in an unconcious heap.

All this happened at once, leaving (Y/N) and Laurens in a confused and shocked state. Laurens looked around at his friends, processing what had just happened. When he finally realized what had occured, he burst out laughing, "PfffffHAHAHAHA!!! You all are idiots!!"

(Y/N) shook her head, "Wow, Laur. Just wow."

Laurens gave the girl a dorky grin and patted Hamilton on the back, "It's okay, I'm not going to burn your papers, okay?"

Hamilton sighed in relief and stood up slowly, "Oh gosh... My head..."

Laurens nodded in agreement, "Yeah... My head hurts too.."

Lafayette joined the small group by Hamilton's chair, "Sacrè bleu... What time is it?"

Hamilton pulled his watch out of his pocket and opened the contraption, "Mm... It's ten to four..."

Lafayette nodded, "I heard we are leaving at five..."

Laurens nodded, "Okay..."

Hamilton dipped his head, "We should get going then."

With that, the four began toward the exit. Lafayette stopped when he saw poor Hercules on the cold floor,"Mon Dieu, what happened?"

Laurens stifled his laughter, "He ran into the wall."

"He ran into the wall???" Lafayette stared at him in shock.

(Y/N) nodded,"Yup... Who knows what was going on in his mind."

Lafayette shook his head and sighed. "Well, let's get him out of here."

Laurens nodded and helped Lafayette lift the larger man, Lafayette picking him up from under his shoulders and Laurens holding his legs. Together, the two men carefully walked down the hall and back to the barracks. Hamilton and (Y/N) followed farther behind them, giving them plenty of space.

Hamilton turned his head to face (Y/N) and spoke softly, hoping the others wouldn't hear what he was about to ask her, "So... (Y/N)... I noticed that some of the men here have developed quite a liking for you. This mustn't be a very big surprise, given you are the only female soldier in this battery."

(Y/N) stared at him in a mix of confusion and shock, "Really...?"

Hamilton nodded and kept his dark brown eyes fixed on her deep (E/C) ones. "I would highly advise you to keep your guard up and always have someone you can trust with you at all times."

(Y/N) broke the uncomfortable eye contact and looked at Laurens and Lafayette, who were just getting into the barracks. "Alright... Thanks..."

Hamilton nodded dismissively, "Just wanted to warn you... I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

The pair finally arrived in the room where the other three were. Laurens was laying Hercules down on his bed while Lafayette was moistening a cloth for his head.

"Hey, is Herc okay?" (Y/N) questioned softly.

Laurens looked up, "Yeah, he'll be alright."

Lafayette walked to Hercules's side and gently placed the wet cloth onto his forehead. He stood after adjusting it and brushed himself off, "Oui, I hope so."

(Y/N) nodded slowly, "That's good.. Now what are we supposed to do?"

Laurens shrugged, "I guess we should probably go get ready to leave."

Hamilton chimed in, "Yes, that's a good idea. Laurens, where are going?"

"Well, I gotta go take a shower." Laurens responded.

"Ah... What about you, Lafayette?" Hamilton shifted his gaze to the French officer.

Lafayette cleared his throat. He spoke carefully, making sure he was saying the right words, "Nothing really.. I have already gotten ready for leaving."

Hamilton nodded again, "Alright, could you do me a favor and stay with (Y/N)?"

(Y/N) pursed her lips, but didn't protest.

"Oui, of course... Pourqu- eh.. I mean, why?" Lafayette caught himself slipping back into his native tongue. He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head.

Hamilton chuckled, "Thank you." He then left the room with Laurens to get ready.

Lafayette looked over at (Y/N) who was just staring at her feet. "Er... So... Why did he leave us in here?"

(Y/N) looked up at the confused man. When their eyes met, (Y/N) found it quite difficult to respond, "I-- er...."


A/N: HUEHUEHUEHUE CLIFFHANGER!!! I hope y'all liked this boring chapter


À bientôt !!!!!!


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