Chapter Sixteen

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Life was terrible without him.

(Y/N) had to force her mind off of Lafayette just to function. It hadn't even been three whole days since he had left. To somewhat help the time go by faster, she had started to spend more time around Hercules. He seemed nice and outgoing to her, so despite Hamilton's warning on that first day in New York, she approached him.

Hercules was busy scratching something on a slip of paper. When he realized the girl was approaching, he folded the paper and stuffed it in his pocket, all in one swift motion.

Hercules wore that bright, stupidly optimistic grin he was always seen flaunting. In his deep, booming voice he greeted (Y/N).

"Hey doll!"

(Y/N) cringed slightly at the pet name. It was one of the many, many other ones he had given her since she had first started to talk with him. "Herc, what's with the weird nicknames?"

"Aw you don't like it? I thought it fit," The tall man chuckled. "You're lucky I don't call you babe, like I call Laf. He loves that pet name."

"Wait what?"

"Huh?" Hercules looked around innocently.

(Y/N) raised a quizzical eyebrow at him, making Herc break into laughter. "I got you good!~"

Hercules put a large hand her shoulder and continued to laugh, wiping invisible tears from his eyes with his other hand. "Whooo I can't believe you actually bought that!"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, the small amused smile on her lips contradicting the disappointed aura she played in her eyes and brow.

"Yeah babe hates it when I call him that." Hercules grinned.

(Y/N) gave him that look of death, the one only a mother bear can give. The glare that just told him to shut up or else. Hercules giggled childishly, "So, how are you two doing anyway? Relationship wise?"

(Y/N)'s cheeks warmed a bit, and pastel pink painted her features as she remembered what had happened the last time they were together. "We.. We're doing well.."

When her eyes fell back on Hercules, his jaw was hanging wide open. "You guys did it."

"What?! Why would you just assume-"

"Trust me, sweetheart, I know that look." He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked. "So how was he?~"

(Y/N) shoved her elbow into the man's ribs, "Shut up!!"

He wheezed and chuckled, masking his pain with a grin. "Hehehe~ C'mon I'm just teasin', sweetheart!"

The girl rolled her eyes, letting out an exasperated, drawn out sigh. "What am I going to do with you?"


Though her Lafayette was gone, the hard work of war continued on. Washington's troops had just received word that General Cornwallis was weak, and his army was trying to get out to the Chesapeake Bay to escape back to England. This, of course, was unacceptable. They needed to be defeated.

So, it was planned that Washington's militia would reach them before they reached the Bay. Indeed, the obvious loophole in the plan was that the Continental Army might be slow and not reach them in time.

It was all she could do to wish Lafayette was there and help Washington see this, because even Hamilton agreed with his plan. It seemed like a suicide mission to (Y/N).

But if Washington wanted a suicide mission, a suicide mission he would get.


A/N: I really hope y'all can forgive me for the long wait, and how short this chapter is ...

Next chapter will be GREAT I promise <3

I did have fun writing about Herc though...

Now... I gotta go.

Au revoir, mes amies !

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