Chapter Thirteen

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Hamilton and Laurens ran up to the two, throwing their muskets down to hug Lafayette and (Y/N), "Are you guys okay?!"

Lafayette hissed in pain and shuffled backward, "O-Oui... Just shot in the leg..."

Hamilton's eyes clouded with worry, "Oh my goodness..."

Laurens put a hand over his mouth in horror, "Are you gonna be okay??"

Lafayette nodded and gave the two a reassuring smile, "Bien sür !"

Hercules walked up to them and looked at (Y/N)'s blood-stained face, "Woah girl... What happened?"

(Y/N) shivered, remembering the corpse that had collapsed on her. "The person in front of me..."

"Oh.." Hercules replied simply.

For a while, no one said a word. They just glanced at each other in an awkward silence.

Finally, Hercules spoke again, "Uh... So we won... Right?"

Hamilton nodded, "Just barely. We stole the victory on the last minute"

Hercules and Laurens high-fived, "Yeah!!!!"

Lafayette cheered the best he could without hurting himself, "Huzzah!~"

(Y/N) giggled at his choice in words, but didn't bother questioning the Frenchman. Hamilton chuckled and patted his shoulder, "Let's get back to camp."


Later in the day, some of the soldiers held a small banquet to thoroughly celebrate their victory. It tickled (Y/N) that although the win was the most microscopic thing imaginable, these men still found some way to make the most of it. She wished all people were like this, wished that all people would be so accepting and positive despite the horrors happening so near to their noses they could almost smell the merciless stench it let off.

(Y/N) sauntered over to the little gathering in the center of camp. Laurens and Hercules were already there, waiting for the rest of their little group. When they saw (Y/N), Hercules jumped up without hesitation to greet her.

"Ay (Y/N)! You're finally here!" The tall, dark man grinned and put his left arm over her shoulders, using (Y/N) as an arm rest.

The young woman rolled her eyes in mock annoyance, "Yeah, I'm here. Who'd you expect? The king of France?"

With this statement, another familiar voice called out, singing the French national anthem. All heads, including (Y/N), Hercules, and Laurens, turned to see a carmel-skinned man with corkscrew curls limping toward them to join in on their festivities. Though he was wounded and had trouble walking, Lafayette was utterly breathtaking nonetheless. (Y/N) jumped up and rushed to him, "Laf!"

Lafayette took his (Y/N) in his arms, ignoring the sharp pain in his leg. He kissed her cheek lightly, "Bonsoir mon amour...~"

(Y/N)'s (S/C) skin was painted with a soft pink coat as she smiled warmly up at him, "H-Hello Gilbert..."

Lafayette's dark, chocolate brown eyes shone brightly at (Y/N)'s use of his more informal name. Laurens and Hercules eventually decided to jump into their short-lived conversation.

Laurens stuck his head between them and have a wide, dorky grin, "Heya Laf! Is your leg feeling any better?"

Hercules stood beside (Y/N), putting a hand on her shoulder, "Yeah, how is it doing?"

Lafayette shrugged slightly and stuck out his bottom lip, "Eh... Alright I am supposing..."

(Y/N) suppressed a giggle, "I hope it's starting to heal.."

Laurens nodded, "Me too."

Then, a short spell of silence fell over the small group of soldiers until Hercules decided to break it with his booming voice.

"How about we go dance?"

Lafayette and Laurens nodded in agreement, "Okay!"

(Y/N) smiled, "Sounds lovely!~"

Hercules chuckled and pushed them all to the action, "Let's go then!"

In the dead center of the camp, was a huge bonfire going on, complete with ridiculous drunken singing and dancing. Hercules and Laurens were immediately drinking, but Lafayette paid attention only to (Y/N). He bowed in front of her and took her significantly smaller hand in his own and gently pressed his full lips to her knuckles. He looked to her and asked a simple question.

Lafayette asked what any woman, or man, could never refuse when it was an angel requesting do so, "(Y/N)... May I have this dance?"


A/N: So sorry this one took forever, and I'm so so so sorry it's SO FRAGGING SHORT HHHHHHH


I hope y'all like this stupid, horrible chapter... I'll try to make the next one better ;w;

Love y'all

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