Chapter Nine

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(Y/N) awoke to the sounds of gunshots and battle cries. She jumped up and checked to see if Lafayette was still there. To her horror, the Frenchman was already gone, and so was his uniform.

The girl quickly began changing into her own uniform. Just as she was pulling on her coat, someone burst into the tent.

"Oi! What's this?~" a man in a redcoat purred, seeing (Y/N). "They have women here?~"

(Y/N) growled and snatched up her musket, aiming the bayonet at her opponent. The Brit threw his arms up in mock surrender, "Oh no! I'm so scared~ The little lady has a musket!~"

(Y/N) fumed and plunged the bayonet forward in an attempt to get rid of the redcoat. However, the man dodged the lethal blade in the knick of time.

"Oho! Now now little lady!~" (Y/N)'s attacker snickered.

The man threw her musket to the side and pushed her down. He smirked and threw a punch to her jaw. (Y/N) gasped and felt blood trickle out of the side of her mouth. She snarled angrily and rolled over, kicking behind his knees. The redcoat collapsed and yelped in alarm. Before he had a chance to lift himself up, (Y/N) jumped to her feet and grabbed her musket once again. She pointed it at his back and with a low, almost demonic hiss, she said, "I'm about to make your red coat redder."

Suddenly, everything went black and from the darkness came the voice of her best friend. Her friend since forever...

The voice of John Laurens rang through her head as she fell to the ground.

"Run!!! Run, (Y/N)! Run!!!"


"Jacky stop!!" a little girl with long, flowing (H/C) hair  and clear (S/C) skin ran from a small boy with poofy brown hair pulled back into a small ponytail and freckles splattered on his face like brown paint.

The boy's brown eyes sparkled with mischief while he chased the girl around with a stick. He held it like a real musket, just like his father had taught him for squirrel hunting. He let his imagination set the scene...

"Get back here you evil witch!!" the boy squealed, gaining quickly on his friend.

"John stop!!" she shrieked playfully. "I told you already! I'm not a witch!! All that you saw was not true! The potions were just apple juice!"

John laughed and poked her dress with the stick in hot pursuit, "You filthy liar, (Y/N)!! That wasn't apple juice! Those were potions and poisons!!"

(Y/N) stopped in her tracks and moved aside. She giggled and watched John skid into the wood fence.

"If you're so smart, how come you didn't stop, huh Jacky?~" she taunted.

John stuck his tongue out and rubbed his head, "That's not funny..." he pouted.

(Y/N) stifled her laughter and skipped over to help him stand up. She held  out her hand and smiled sweetly, "You okay, Jacky?"

John smiled back and nodded before taking her hand to pull himself up. "Yeah... Go again?"

(Y/N) grinned, "Okay fine. But this time... I get to be the good guy! You be..."

She looked around for something that looked bad. She noticed a small picture of a blue white and red flag. She looked back at John and wiggled her eyebrows, "You can be a rogue French soldier!"

John immediately got into character, acting all offended, "Excusè moi ?~ Zhe French are zhe elite and supreme European race!"

Without further arguing, (Y/N) pounced at him, "Prepare to face the royal wrath of the colonies!!"


"(Y/N)!!!! She's waking up!!" that voice came again, even more frantic than the last time she'd heard it.

(Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open slowly to be greeted by the warm brown eyes of- not Laurens- but Hamilton. He helped her sit up and examined her, "Do you feel okay, (Y/N)?"

She nodded and looked around the rather large tent. She realized she was in a medical tent.  "Hamilton.... Why am I here..?"

Hamilton fell quiet and threw a glance at Laurens before answering her question. He took a breath and put a hand on her shoulder.

"(Y/N) .... You were shot. In the leg."

The girl's face flushed to an extremely pale shade. She uncovered her body and looked down at her legs. As Hamilton had told her, there were stitches on her left leg, indicating where the musket ball had hit her. She gasped and traced around it carefully. She winced when a sharp sting shot out from the small spot.

Laurens took her hand gently, "Try not to mess with it..."

(Y/N) looked up at him and gave him a small smile, "I'll try..."

Laurens smiled back, and released her wrist.

Out of nowhere, Hercules jumped up from behind Hamilton and screamed in joy. "(Y/N)'s finally awake!!! Do you feel okay? Are you in pain?? ARE YOU DYING!?"

He continued to ramble on random questions about (Y/N)'s health and wellbeing while she simply stared at him in confusion. Laurens and Hamilton burst out laughing.

Laurens pried him off of her and stifled his laughter, "Herc!! She'll be fine! Calm your bottom!!"

Hercules pouted and stuck his tongue out, "I gotta make sure my friend is okay!!"

(Y/N) giggled slightly and smiled, "I'll be alright, Herc... It doesn't hurt too bad.."

Hercules smiled back at her and pushed Laurens off him, "Okay~"

(Y/N) looked around at the three and tilted her head, feeling something was missing. She knew something wasn't right, but she couldn't decide what. Then, it hit her.

"Hamilton.... Where is Lafayette...?"



Sorry for the wait, and the horrible chapter...


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