Chapter Seven

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(Y/N) didn't know how to respond, she couldn't break dear Laurens's heart, but she couldn't bear to lie to her best friend. For several of the passing moments, (Y/N) remained completely and utterly silent. She spoke not a single word for a good few minutes before Hercules decided to try and resolve the issue.

"Well, (Y/N), how do you feel about this?" Hercules questioned.

Her mind was spinning with thoughts, how did she feel? Did she love John?

No. She loved the Marquis.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened at this sudden realization. It stabbed her chest like the sharp end of a bayonet. "I... I'm sorry, John... I've always seen you as a brother..."

Laurens stared at the floor, forcing himself to stay strong and not cry. His body began to visibly shake slightly in his efforts.

"I-I understand..." he managed to stammer out.

(Y/N)'s heart snapped in two, seeing the pain she'd caused her closest friend, "John... Please... Don't be upset... I'm sure there's much better women out there that would do anything just to meet someone like you."

Laurens forced a smile, "Thanks (Y/N), but nobody could ever be as amazing as you..."

(Y/N) sighed and looked down, praying that she hadn't hurt her friend too badly.

Lafayette placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. (Y/N) looked up to see his soft brown eyes smiling sympathetically. The girl smiled back at him thankfully.

Hercules sighed and led Laurens out of the room, talking softly to him.

(Y/N) waited until the two were gone to drop herself onto the hard floor. Her back slid against the wall as she buried her face in her shaking hands. Lafayette gasped and knelt down near her, "(Y/N)... Are you alright?"

(Y/N) shook her head, "N-No... Laf... I... What have I done...?"

Lafayette rubbed her back comfortingly, "Shh, you can't change the way you feel about these things, chérie..."

Without thinking, (Y/N) threw her arms around the taller Frenchman, "What am I going to do...?"

Lafayette blinked in surprise, but hugged her back. "It's okay... Just... How you say... Apall or guys?"

The girl giggled sightly at his small mistake, "Apologize?"

"Oui ! That's it!! Apologize!" Lafayette exclaimed, happy to have learned a useful new English word. He pulled away and brushed (Y/N) hair out of her big (E/C) eyes.

"How though? I doubt he wants to talk to me, of all people..." she pointed out, sadness flooding her soft voice. Her face was painted light red from Lafayette's actions.

"Just try, oui ?"


(Y/N) took a deep breathe and lifted herself up. Lafayette stood as well and gently took her hand. The girl looked up with wide eyes, but said nothing, assuming it was just a French custom. "Let's go find John then..."

"Okay..." (Y/N) murmured softly, allowing Lafayette to lead her out into hallway. When the pair walked through the corridor, the girl's heart pounded as soon as they reached a room. The room's door was wide open, letting out the muffled sobbing noises emitting from it.

Lafayette stopped, holding (Y/N) back from entering it, "Wait..."

The shorter cadet nodded and set her hand on the doorframe, listening to Hercules try to soothe Laurens.

"Come on, man... You're gonna be fine... There's tons of other girls out there!" came Hercules's voice.

Laurens cut him off with a shaky, cracked tone, "I know...."

After these short words, (Y/N) couldn't bear it any longer. She slowly stepped into the room currently being occupied by Hercules and Laurens. "Jacky...?"

Laurens looked up in shock. He quickly wiped his cheeks and eyes free of tears, "(Y-Y/N)..."

The female nodded and smiled guiltily, "Yeah... It's me.."

Hercules cleared his throat awkwardly and left the two alone, joining Lafayette in the hallway to watch them.

Laurens looked down at his hands, "Why are you here?..."

(Y/N) felt her heart break even further at how hurt the poor man sounded. "John... I... I wanted to say I'm sorry..."

His freckled face looked up with those big brown eyes of his, "F-For what? There is nothing for you to be sorry about, (Y/N)..."

The woman shook her head and ran to embrace the sad little guy, "Oh John... I have every reason to apologize to you... I hurt you..."

Laurens's eyes widened when he felt his friend's arms around him. His face flushed and brightened, "I-I... It's my fault. I should've known you didn't feel that way..."

"John. No. You have no reason to feel bad... I'm really not all too good with romance anyways..." (Y/N) tried to ease Laurens.

Laurens pulled away and stared into her eyes, "Stop. I love you. There, I said it. I feel better. I accept your apology. See? I'm not upset."

(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows in concern, "Fine. And I accept your apology. Although... I don't understand why it is that you are apologizing..."

Laurens forced a smile, "Well, no hard feelings... Right?"

"No... No hard feelings..." (Y/N) murmured, her head spinning in confusion.

Laurens nodded and stood up. He took a deep breath and looked at her, "Let's go then."

(Y/N) dipped her head and exited the small confinement. "Alright.."

Laurens followed behind her. He glanced up at the two taller men and smiled slightly, "Hey guys."

"Salut..." Lafayette returned his smile kindly.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a shortish auburn-haired man dashed past them holding a rather large document. He shouted over his shoulder, with a bit of an English accent, "Excuse me, pardon me!"

The group moved out of the way and watched him race down the halls.

"Who is that??" Hercules blurted.

"Je ne sais p-- Oh sorry, I mean... I don't know. Should we follow him? It looks like he is going outside..." Lafayette responded.

Laurens nodded, "Yeah, let's go see what that guy's up to."

(Y/N) nodded once more before walking down the way to the back door, leading to the outside. 'I wonder what is up with that guy...' she thought.




>:D Now I'm going to update my ThAnya book!!!!!

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