Chapter Four

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The next morning, (Y/N) woke up to hear quiet humming. But this time, it was only one person. She listened more closely and sat up, looking around to identify the person humming. She realized that Laurens, Hercules, and Lafayette were gone. So then, where was the humming coming from?

(Y/N) rubbed her eyes and rolled out of bed. She stretched briefly before slipping on a jacket and walking out into the hall. The morning breeze washed over her as she exited the barracks. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth when she discovered what the source of the beautiful humming was.

It was Lafayette. He was leaning against one of the walls, fixing his hair. He saw her and smiled warmly, "Bon matin, (Y/N)! Did I wake you?"

(Y/N) shook her head, "No, I just woke up on my own. Where is everyone else?"

"Oh, Laurens is with Hamilton. I think Hercules... Is um... I am not sure about him.." he pondered, trying to remember where Hercules told him he was going.

"Oh, okay. So, what are you still doing here?" (Y/N) asked, tilting her head.

Lafayette shrugged, "I didn't want to leave you here all alone!"

The young girl's face lit up, "Oh, well.. You didn't have to stay here and wait on me, sir.."

The taller man laughed, "Haha, it really doesn't matter to moi~ Plus, I don't trust Hercules around any woman. And please, just call me Gilbert, or Laf if it pleases you~"

(Y/N) nodded curtly and pursed her lips, not even bothering to ask why. She thought of changing the subject, and remembered what they had been talking about the night before. "Oh! We never finished our conversation!"

Lafayette nodded, "Oui, that's true~ So... Where were we?"

"Well, you told me you were from France! It must be nice to live there!" (Y/N) said cheerily.

"Oui! It is! What about you, where are you from, cheri?" Lafayette asked, offering his arm.

(Y/N) gladly accepted, wrapping her arm around his, feeling her face grow warm. "S-South Carolina."

"Ah, isn't that where Laurens is from as well?" Lafayette inquired, escorting her through the hall and into the ballroom. The room seemed much quieter and emptier than it had the night before.

"Yeah, that's right! We've been friends for quite some time!" (Y/N) pointed out. She looked around and picked everyone she'd met out in the small crowd. Laurens and Hamilton were chatting near the corner with a man she didn't recognize. Hercules was further of, surrounded by giggling females.

"And... That's why I didn't trust you alone in that room with him walking around." Lafayette clarified, chuckling and shaking his head.

(Y/N) giggled and waved to Laurens, who had seen her walk in and was now making his way towards her.

"What's this? I see you two got aquainted, eh?~" Laurens teased.

(Y/N) shook her head, smiling. "Oh John, you're so childish."

Laurens laughed and clapped her on the back, "So, whatcha been up to, (Y/N)?"

The young cadette brushed a strand of her (H/C) hair out of her face, "Eh.. I just woke up. Laf was guarding the door."

Laurens raised an eyebrow and eyed the Frenchman, "Guarding?"

Lafayette rolled his dark eyes, "Mon Dieu..."

Laurens laughed again, "Okay, fine, I'll stop. Maybe~ Ha.. Anyway.. I was just talking to Hamilton and Lee. Gosh.. I recommend you guys don't talk to Lee, alright?"

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