Chapter 1-The Start Of It All

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Chapter 1-The Start Of It All

Jack Donnahue's POV

"Karen, you know I love you but, I have to go back home. And, you have to stay here with your family. I have no choice but to leave you." I stared down at the actress, Rachel in front of me hoping that my portrayal of a heartbroken man was coming to pass.

"But Winston, you could stay here. My family accepts you. And what happened to being with me for the rest of our lives?" Rachel gripped onto my arm as her brown eyes pleaded with me.

"I can't. I'm sorry." I said sorrowfully and turned away, waiting for the director to close the scene.

"And cut! Great job guys!" The director yelled and I blew out a breath in relief. I was exhausted and all I needed was a nap and maybe a coffee. An iced coffee. Immediately, I perked at the thought of it.

I had been filming this movie for what seemed like five months already and I had barely gotten much sleep. And I needed it. I had been up till three in the morning filming for one of the scenes and I was beat.

The movie was a cheesy romance film that would be shown when it was almost Valentines Day. Already, I pitied the poor souls whose partners would drag them to watch it. Rachel, the actress playing the female lead grinned at me in acknowledgement and walked off the set to greet her husband and son waiting for her.

Grinning back as a response, I walked off from the set and waited nearby just as one of the interns came towards me. "Jack, the team is taking five. The director said you can come back in an hour or so."

"Thanks." I grinned and the intern walked off. Immediately, I grabbed a cap and some sunglasses before shoving my hands in my pockets and left the building and onto the streets.

I obviously wasn't going to pass off the opportunity to get an iced coffee of my choice because most interns these days just couldn't get my order right.

It could be pretty frustrating when I wanted something that wasn't sweet (considering I wasn't a big fan of sugary sweet stuff) but instead, interns would give me a coffee that tasted like a whole stick of candy floss was added into it.

And well it didn't help when I was a coffee addict who needed my daily cups of iced coffee. (make it at least 3 cups per day).

Looking around, it was clear that my bodyguard, Max had wandered off again. I didn't blame him due to the fact that I had finished filming earlier than expected and obviously Max didn't know.

But hey! I wasn't missing the opportunity to get a coffee now. Walking into a Starbucks chain near the set, I ordered my usual latte and hoped that I was being inconspicuous. But I guess I should've made a better effort in disguising my appearance because a female voice screeched.

"Oh, my god! You're Jack Donnahue! Would you sign my napkin?!" The woman in front of me screeched and shoved the said napkin and a pen towards me. I forced a smile on my face and signed my name quickly before more people could crowd around me.

Oh great. I cursed inwardly and started to panic as more people turned to look at me. Some raised their phones to grab a picture and I quickly shoved some money at the counter and ran out of the shop. Without my coffee.

Running out, I already spotted some reporters and they soon gave chase. Oh, come on! I gritted my teeth as I dashed down the street.

In Hollywood, there were three categories of reporters. One was the paparazzi that wandered around to catch celebrities in compromising situations or just to stalk them. These were the type that were desperate like a pack of vultures on a wounded animal.

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