Chapter 6-The Start Of A Friendship

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Chapter 6-The Start Of A Friendship

Jack Donnahue's POV

"Would you want me to get you a cooler full of ice to treat the burn marks you're gonna get?"

I gave a glare to Max who was smirking in amusement. "No thanks. I can handle myself just fine."

"That's not what I saw the other day in her office. Because you were being set on fire from her tongue lashing." Max grinned and I rolled my eyes.

It has been almost week since I last saw Emma at the grocery store last Friday and for some strange reason, I was yearning to see her again. Maybe I was a sucker for punishment to want to get more blows to my ego. But whatever.

"This should work right?" I gestured to the two cups of coffee in the cup holder beside me as we drove to the museum.

Max shrugged as he stopped as the traffic lights turned red. "I have absolutely no idea. As far as I know, you've never done anything like this. And I don't think you have any actual female friends. And no, Isadora and Daniella don't count."

I shut my mouth in protest and groaned. "Why are females so hard to figure out?"

Max let out a bark of laughter and started the car once again as the lights turned green. "Hey aren't you Jack Donnahue, the ladies man?"

"Shut it Max! This is different!"

I scowled as Max bit back a grin and we drove in silence before I started unable to deal with the silence, "Are you sure butterscotch is okay? Not raspberry? I saw her getting both ice-cream flavours."

Max stifled a laugh, "Firstly too bad if she doesn't like it. I don't think coffee houses sell anything such as rapberry flavoured coffee. So butterscotch it is."

I groaned and slid on a cap and a pair of sunglasses, not bothering with the wig I had worn the last time because Emma looked like she wanted to laugh when she saw it on me.

"Here goes nothing." I mumbled and left the car and grabbed the two drinks with me and entered the museum.

The first person who spotted me was Roxanne the receptionist who beamed and nodded as I silently asked her if Emma was around. She gestured to the direction of Emma's office and I gave her a grateful smile before heading to Emma's office.

Luckily, I wasn't standing out and thus, I was able to walk around unnoticed. Entering the hallway that lead to Emma's office, I took a few deep breaths before knocking on Emma's door.

I have absolutely no clue on why I was so nervous. It wasn't going to be the first time I was rejected. Especially by Emma. Like Jesus, the number of rejections I received from her was probably the most I had in my life.

Hearing her voice telling whoever to come in, I exhaled deeply and entered. Immediately her hazel eyes watched me warily as she stared at me from behind her desk.

"Jack, what are you doing here?" She questioned, her eyes were narrowed and calculative.

I offered a small smile, "I came to see you."

"Why? I thought we made it clear that I wasn't going to go out with you."

I shrugged, "I know that. But I wanted to see you to ask something of you."

"Jack are you serious? This is getting a little annoying." Emma narrowed her eyes at me as she spoke, her voice held a hint of irritation. I knew she suspected that I wanted to ask her out again even though she had rejected me plenty of times and she was getting annoyed.

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