Chapter 10-The Questioning

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Chapter 10-The Questioning

Jack Donnahue's POV

"So, I managed to get the name of the girl who outsmarted you and it's a bloody good thing Zach's her best friend if not you'll never tell me all about it!" 

Gwennie almost shouted as we were led to our table in the restaurant and I thanked my lucky stars that it was quite empty seeing that it was odd hours. 

Beside her, was her fiancé - Zachary Richmond. Also known as Emma's best friend. Zach had finally convinced Gwennie to meet up with me together for lunch seeing that I was the only family member who had yet to meet her fiancé. 

And that was what brought us here. "Gwennie..." I glared at her. "Would you lower your voice?" 

My sister sighed and tossed her blond locks behind her shoulder. "So come on, you went to her house yesterday. How was it?" 

I glared at the inquisitive expression on both Zach and Gwennie's faces. "Isn't this meeting with the both of you is to be about you guys getting married? Why the hell am I being questioned?" 

Gwennie scoffed and crossed her arms. "Don't bother acting all protective brother-like. Cameron and Strider already did that. Now I want to know about this Emma girl. Zach won't tell me much but since you're quasi-friends with her, maybe both of you will give me more insight." She announced and shot a little glare at Zach who shrugged in response without shrinking from Gwennie's glare. 

Already, that won me over. Whichever male that wasn't afraid of Gwennie when she was being all snobby and demanding was good enough. Because hell, that also meant that he wouldn't bow down to every wish and demand my impulsive sister had. 

"Spit it out Jack. I don't have all day." 

I glared at her and Zach stifled a laugh before taking one of Gwennie's hands into his and intertwined their fingers. "Gwen, let your brother have a breather. Anyway Jack, I hoped you used the little tidbit I had given you to your full advantage because Emma chewed my ear out for that." 

I broke into a grin at that, the image of Emma telling Zach off could be pictured in my head immediately. Her hazel eyes would be narrowed and her lips would be pressed into a thin line while she would be drumming her fingers against a hard surface. I had noticed these telltale signs when she was displeased with something. 

"Well, I did. I met Ella." I offered and Zach raised an eyebrow before nodding approvingly. "Oh what do you think?"

"She's an amazing kid. She has a lot of dolls though." I answered with a bright grin as the little girl with blonde pigtails ordered me around with her toys. Emma obviously did a great job in bringing her up. 

"Who's Ella? Her kid?" Gwennie questioned curiously as her eyes darted between Zach and I. 

"She's Emma's niece." Zach answered smoothly and once again, I noticed that Zach was being vague with the details just like Emma had been doing.

Gwennie shot me a surprised look. "You played with her? Wow Jack, never thought that you would go after someone who is raising a kid. Impressive. You seem to have grown up." She added sweetly and I rolled my eyes at her. 

Seems that Gwennie and Emma had something in common. And that was making sly little snarky comments about me. "It's not like that. Emma and I are just friends."

Gwennie let out a disbelievingly snort. "Yeah right. I'm a lesbian then."  

Zach chuckled and gave her a sly grin. "Why didn't you tell me? We could have a threesome." 

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