Chapter 26-The Gathering

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Chapter 26 - The Gathering

Jack Donnahue's POV

Emma huffed. It wasn't the first time she was doing so and it certainly wasn't going to be the last.

I couldn't help but smirk to myself as she pursed her lips before crossing her arms over her chest, silently telling me through her actions how displeased she was.

A month has passed since Theo Heywood had awoken from his coma and some of his friends were throwing a welcome back party for him. And by friends, it referred to his friends from Hollywood.

Of course, Theo gave me the almost impossible task of getting Emma to go with him, seeing that I was dating her. The mere second after asking her, Emma refused profusely but after some coaxing - and begging - she agreed only with the condition that I go with her.

It wasn't exactly hard to say yes considering I was invited as well. Not that she knew or anything.

"Come on, lighten up! You're doing this for Theo," I coaxed and Emma snorted and shot me a sideway glance. "Right, why don't you be there in my stead especially now that the both of you are thick as thieves."

An amused grin crossed my face at that. It was true. After getting through that awkward stage where Theo tried to be all intimidating as I was dating his sister, we became really good friends, much to Emma's annoyance.

"Yes, but Theo needs some familial support and you're his sister!"

Emma scoffed and turned away from me, clearly deciding that I wasn't worth talking to at the moment. The party was at a fellow actor's house and he promised that it was just a small gathering and it was pretty casual.

Emma took some relief from the dress code and wore a pretty pink skirt and a black blouse with some low heels. I, on the other hand, was dressed in a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt accompanied with a jacket over.

And as we got into my car, I couldn't help but notice that we looked pretty good together from the reflection in the windows. To my relief and amusement, Emma was still shorter than me despite her heels giving her a slight height advantage.

"You do realise that I wouldn't know anyone at the party right?" Emma spoke up as she tried to change my mind about going which I blatantly ignored. Again.

"Okay, how about this, we'll just go for an hour and then we'll leave?" I bargained and Emma eyed me, her eyes getting all squinty as she scrutinised me before agreeing. "Alright, fine. But don't blame me if I act like a cold bitch with a Louboutin shoved up my arse."

I snorted and flashed her a teasing grin. "It's okay, I'll get sympathy from people wondering why someone so amazing and funny like me is dating someone so utterly awful."

"Yeah, any more arrogance from you, and I am going home because I'm allergic to it." Emma shot back with her eyes narrowed but I could see them lighting up in amusement.

"Allergic? I think you mean adoration," I teased and Emma rolled her eyes as a small smile played at the corner of her mouth. "You wish," she said and adjusted the hem of her skirt.

"Yes, I do," I replied and Emma made a face and was about to open her mouth to retort with something witty but mean when I parked the car. "This is not a small gathering. There are about a hundred people here," she exclaimed and glared at me as if I was hosting the party.

"Come on, I already said we'll just stay for an hour or so. It's just to check if your brother is dealing well with the sudden crowd and stuff," I replied and Emma's eyes softened at the mention of Theo. Slumping her shoulders in defeat, she exited the car

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