Chapter 12-The Parents

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Chapter 12-The Parents 

Emmaline Heywood's POV

I stepped into the room quietly, my breath hitching as I caught sight of the still body of my twin. Biting on my lower lip, I moved closer to the hospital bed and looked down at Theo.

His brown hair had gotten longer and was now past his ears. A rueful smile crossed my face at that sight, my brother, being the vain human being he was would have freaked out at the current state of his hair.

Even though we were twins, neither Theo or I looked alike. We were fraternal twins after all. But the only thing we shared in common was our dark hair. He had lighter brown eyes and sharp cheekbones while my face was sightly rounder with softer features. The smile faded when I noticed that he looked slightly more gaunt than before.

I visited as often as I could, about once a week and it never failed to hit me emotionally at the sight of my twin in this state. Placing my bag onto the chair, I replaced the flowers in the vase with the new ones I had gotten earlier.

Even though I've thought about it plenty of times, I've never understood how my brother had turned to drugs and in a way, I blamed myself for not catching on to what he was doing. I was his twin! Shouldn't I have known? If I had caught on quicker, I would have been able to pull my brother out of his depressed state and maybe, I would have been able to prevent him from all of this.

Guilt still ate at me ever since Theo had fallen into a coma and I've felt as if I had failed him. The thought of my brother turning to drugs had never ever crossed my mind, it didn't fit into his character.

Theo had always been someone that was positive, cheerful, fun and he loved living and being an actor. Whereas, I was the one that was pessimistic and serious. In some way, we were opposites but we complemented each other.

I sunk down onto the chair and stared at his unmoving body, had it not been for the slight movement of his chair, I would've sworn he was dead.

"You're such an idiot," I muttered quietly. "What the hell were you thinking? Drugs?"

Silence filled the room and I pressed my lips together and once I've felt that my emotions were under control, I continued, "Ella got your way of talking me into things. Today, she convinced me to get her ice-cream before lunch and I gave in. Both of you are so alike."

"You would love her. She wonders about you, you know? And I don't have the heart to tell her that you're here in the hospital." I pause and sucked in a breath before reaching out to run my fingers through his long dark hair.

I glanced around the room, noting the bare walls and the almost empty room. "I managed to realise why she had gotten her way, she pulls that exact puppy dog face that you do."

As I studied his appearance, I noted the dark circles under his eyes, his sharp cheekbones and he was so pale that he was almost white. "Why didn't you ever tell me what you were going through?"

"You were there for me when I needed you. Why couldn't you have let me done the same? I would have helped, I would have done anything for you. We're twins aren't we?"

Anger and desperation laced my tone and I inhaled sharply to hold these emotions back. Often, I wondered why Theo hadn't come to me when he was suffering from depression and doing drugs? Had I done something to alienate him? Had I offended him in some way? It hurt that he wouldn't even come to me for help, after everything we had been through together.

We always had each other's backs. Our parents didn't care much for us. They were more involved and interested in getting richer and famous. I knew for a fact that they only visited Theo once according to the guest log in from the hospital.

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