Chapter 16-The Reveal

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Chapter 16-The Reveal

Jack Donnahue's POV

It was mind-blowing.

The kiss with Emma was everything I thought it would be and yet it was also better than I had thought. Of course, I had been fantasising about kissing her for days, well to be honest, weeks.

I had never thought that our little movie marathon would lead to that but I didn't regret it. But I now suspected - and feared - that Emma would be the one to regret our kiss. And I knew she would. But I was pleasantly surprised that Emma had kissed me back and who knew that she was such a good kisser?

Now, I was on my way to Emma's home and I was anxious as hell for her reaction. Was she going to tell me that we could only be friends? I couldn't, especially not after that kiss we shared yesterday.

Once I reached the house, I quickly threw on my cap and sunglasses on before exiting my car. Just as I was about to knock the door, the door opened and Emma stepped out, her eyes wide as she looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned hurriedly as she tugged Ella with her.

I stared at her warily, some hint of panic rising in my chest Was she going to chase me away? "You said we would talk about yesterday..." I trailed off and a smirk appeared on my face as Emma's face turned red. "Right... Would it be okay if you came by later? I have to go to the museum to grab some files and Ella's babysitter won't be around."

"I could watch Ella till you're back." I offered quickly and shoved my hands into my pockets as Ella waved cheerily at me and I offered her a wide grin.

"I don't know," Emma chewed on her lower lip, the bottom lip that I had bit lightly on just yesterday. Immediately, I could feel heat flushing onto my neck and I pushed that image out of my head. "Why not? We could watch a movie right Ella? Or we could play with your dolls."

Ella started cheering in agreement and Emma shot me a flat stare, immediately knowing that I had won. "Alright. I'll be back at most in thirty minutes."

I nodded and Emma sighed and stepped out of the doorway and unconsciously pressed a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks, I won't be long." With that she was gone.

I was thankful that she didn't turn around to see the silly grin on my face. It meant something right? If she kissed me on my cheek. It wasn't on my mouth, but hey, it was something.

"Alright Lala, what do you want to do?" I questioned playfully as Ella burst into giggles at my nickname for her. "Watch a movie! My dolls are taking a nap and they need rest."

"That's right. When they are tired, they need their naps," I said seriously before settling onto the sofa and Ella crawled onto the seat and sat beside me.

"What do you want to watch?" I questioned and Ella shrugged as I slowly flicked the channels. Suddenly, while I was changing the channels, Ella squealed excitedly, her long pigtails flying as she caught sight of the action film playing on the screen.

"That's daddy!"

I squinted my eyes to peer at the said figure that little Ella was pointing to on the screen of the television and my jaw dropped. "Huh? What do you mean Ella?" I questioned stupidly, wondering if I heard the five-year-old correctly. I had to be hearing things didn't I?

Ella shot me an unimpressed look that only kids could pull off before repeating. "That's my daddy but Aunt Emma says he's not well so I can't see him."

My heart felt like it was beating at an irregular speed and my stomach felt like someone had punched me in the gut. I couldn't even believe what I was hearing and I was wondering if I was in some alternate reality where things didn't make sense. A world where Ella was Theo Heywood's daughter.

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