Chapter 9

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Drew's drawing^ all credit to respectful owner I do not own this drawing. 

This was going to be fun

The following day we spent planning, and eating more pizza. We decided that we would visit North Carolina first because it was close by and it was Jess's hometown.

I went around my room, picking up things I thought I should bring and then put them down again. How was I going to do this? In the end, I found my smallest suitcase and starting cramming stuff in there. I packed about 5 shirts and 3 pants. I still had some space left so I added in all my pictures of me and Jess that I found her room. I would hold onto those memories until I could see her, and I wouldn't stop loving her any less each day. Distance is just a test to see how far love can travel. 

When the road trip day finally arrived, I woke up and couldn't remember why I was so excited, but stressed at the same time. Then I realized: today was the beginning of our adventure. Yes, I realize I'm being over dramatic as heck but when you're looking for the only person you love, it couldn't hurt to add some drama.

I got out of bed, and took a shower, getting ready as fast as I could. Even as I grabbed all of my stuff- a suitcase and a backpack, I couldn't help but wonder- what if?

what if she's dead? What if she got mad at me and that's why she left? What if-

My thoughts were interrupted as my door bell rang, resonating throughout my empty house.

I walked over, and opened the door, to see a very vexed Molly glaring at me.

Oh great. What did I do this time? 

After thinking for a moment, I realized that I hadn't done anything wrong. Why did she look like she wanted to shoot me?

"Where. Have. You. Been?"

"Wh-What do you mean? I've been right here, at home, getting ready for the road trip. Was I supposed to be somewhere else?"

Molly rolled her eyes and gave me a look. If looks could kill, man I'd be 6 feet under right about now.

"You were supposed to pick up the rental car and meet us at the parking garage off of Maine street. Remember?"

Shit. I knew I forgot something. Things were running way too smoothly for me to not have forgotten something. 

Before I could make up a reasonable excuse, Molly let out a deep breath and continued talking.

"It doesn't matter. Robin called you like 6 times and you didn't pick up, so he went ahead and got everything. Do you have all your stuff? The car is parked in your driveway. We can leave right now."

Right now? Do we even know where we are going? Like I know we're going to North Carolina, but where in particular? Shouldn't we at least figure out a decent plan first?

Also, what about breakfast? I haven't eaten yet.

I voiced my concerns to Molly,and she smiled smugly, as if she had just bet all of her money on something and won double of it back.

"While you were asleep, we were at the library studying maps. We have a pretty decent idea of where we're going. Jess was born in Asheville, so we're going to be near the mountains. As for breakfast, we have a granola bar with your name on it waiting in the car. Anything else?  No? Ok, let's go."

What is her deal? Why is she so impatient to get into a stuffy car with 4 other people? 

She walked down my steps and in the driveway, where she stood next to a royal blue pickup truck.

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