Chapter 3

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When I woke up the next morning, I couldn't remember why I was so sad. I just woke up and felt empty. I sat up in bed for a few moments, trying to recall what happened to make me feel so utterly depressed. My pillow was wet with tears, and my face felt sticky, which meant I had been crying.

Giving up, I got out of bed, and as I walked over to the bathroom, I bumped into my bedside table. I looked down at the table, and then I remembered why I was so sad. Jess. I picked up the picture and looked at it, taking in all the innocence and beauty in the picture.

I finished up in the bathroom, and headed downstairs. I didn't bother eating breakfast; I just sat down on my couch, trying to think about why I'm so sad. My therapist once told me that whenever one was sad, it's good to think about it. As weird as it may sound, it actually worked. Especially when my parents and sister died. But right then, I couldn't even explain why I was so sad. I just felt like all the pieces inside me broke and no doctor could ever fix it.

I placed my hands over my eyes and tried very, very hard not to break down sobbing. But sometimes, crying is the only way your eyes speak when your mouth can't explain how broken your heart is.

I tried focusing on all my good memories of Jess, like when I first met her.


It was in the old music shop downtown. Around this time I started discovering new parts of myself. One of them being my taste in music. I found a cool looking cover for a cd and I had gone there to see if I could find it. When I walked into the shop, I was immediately surrounded by all the alternative types of decor there. Picture a middle aged mom stepping into Hot Topic for the first time because her rebellious teen insisted on going there. You get the picture.

After wandering around the store for a bit, I found the all of the band's albums, arranged in chronological order. There was one girl standing in the aisle with me, her front facing the shelves of books. I didn't pay too much attention to her, I was looking for the specific album. Little did I know that she would become the most important person in my life.

Suddenly, a little boy popped out from a different aisle.

"Jessie, Jessie! I found the album!" He shrieked in joy. He held up a cd, titled "Greatest hits of Katy Perry"

I watched on in amusement. I'd never seen a little kid so fascinated by music, that too Katy Perry.

"Good job, Rory!" She exclaimed, giving him a hug.

I then got a good glimpse of her, and my eyes almost fell out of my head. Her eyes were so green, that they were almost like a forest of their own.

Suddenly, she was staring at me and I quickly looked away. Where was the damn album?

As my gaze wandered back over to forest girl and Rory, I realized that the album was on her side of the aisle. shit.

As normally as I could, I walked over to her side of the aisle and pretended to look around. I took a deep breath and tried not to panic. I could feel her gaze boring into the back of my skull, as I pretended to look at a album. I cringed, as I read the cover of the album.

One Direction. I picked up a fucking One Direction album. I felt my face turn the deepest shade of red when I heard her start snickering. I quickly put it back and stepped away from the dangerous sections.

I turned around, and started walking down the aisle, away from forest girl and her brother.

"Wait!" Forest Girl called. "I didn't mean to laugh at you. Sorry." She started walking towards me and put her hand on my shoulder.

I casually slipped out of her touch. I was not a very touchy-feely person.

"Anyways, what brings you here? Wait, don't tell me you like 1D. I'm not judging I swear I'm not an asshole"

"Um, actually I'm looking for a different band" As I described the album art, she raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Really? I was looking for the same band. It's down this way, c'mon." She dragged me back down the aisle as I tried to wrangle out of her grasp.

As we neared the band section again, I realized with delight that I found the album. I reached for it.. at the same time Forest Girl did.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked. It came out harsher than I intended it to be.

"Getting this album. Duh." She said, glaring at me. "Listen, I was nice enough to show you where they were. I think its common decency that you let me have the album."

Soon it evolved into a full blown argument which resulted in us both being banned from the store for life.

I started walking down the road, back towards my neighborhood. This was back in the good old days where all I had was skateboard.

"Wait!" Forest Girl started running towards me.

I rolled my eyes

"What do you want now? You just got me kicked out. I actually happened to like this store."

Ok, I was lying through my teeth. I had never set foot in that store in my life. At the time, she didn't know that.

"The least you can do is leave me the hell alone."

"I-I know a store close by. They sell some of the same stuff. Want to go check it out? Maybe they'll have it over there."

I immediately refused, but in the end she persuaded me to go check the store out. As we walked into the store she looked at me with a look I recognized with regret.

"I really am sorry about that, you know. I'm really passionate about this band and I will do anything to get this album."

After that, our relationship skyrocketed. We started meeting and hanging out on a daily basis and then we started dating. And then it became a lot more serious.


I grinned, thinking back on the memory. As soon as I realized that I was smiling, I stopped. I think I was afraid to be happy because whenever I do get too happy, something bad always happens.

That's a part of the reason Jess was-is so important to me. She helped me overcome my depression. I was finally in a happy place, and now I'm back where I started. Really,truly, alone.

In that moment, I made a decision. I was going to find Jess. Alive, or dead, I just needed to see her again. I would find Jess, or die trying.

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