Chapter 24

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The events of the last 10 minutes swirled around uneasily in my head. I just killed a man. Oh my god. I just killed a man. Holy shit.

If anything happened to Jess, I'll probably end up killing a few more.

As a safety precaution, I went ahead and called the cops. I was going to need backup. Technically, that dude back there was merely self defense, right? Whatever the case was, I sure as hell wasn't getting sent to jail.

I navigated through the seemingly empty factory fairly easily. There was only one route throughout the entire thing, so it wasn't like I could get lost or anything. The entire factory itself seemed to be lit by one room, which I was rapidly approaching. That had to be where they were keeping Jess.

There was a small noise coming from the one room. The only reason I even heard it was because the entire factory was eerily silent. It was giving me the shivers.

Alright, focus, Drew. go in, grab jess, and go out. Easy as that!

If it was so easy, then why did I feel like something was about to go horribly wrong?

I approached the room carefully, placing my feet lightly. If any other of her captors were anywhere near there, they could not know that I was there. I shuddered just thinking about what might become of me if they were to discover my presence.

At that point, I was standing right outside of the room. There were shelf like structures built into either side of the wall. There was only one of them on each wall and they both came up to my waist. It was absolutely freezing, which meant that inside the room, it must have been dreadfully cold. The door was closed, yet there was so much light pouring out of the room, it was impossible to not be able to see anything.

Jess was lying on the ground, curled up, in a pool of her own blood. And in that moment, I think I died a little bit inside. She looked so small and weak and frail, it physically pained me to not be able to help her. She was still breathing, by the looks of her slowly rising and falling form, but I didn't think she would be for much longer if I didn't do something.

I tried the door handle. It was locked. Typical. The door looked like it was made of reinforced steel, which meant that I had no hopes of kicking it down. Before I could take to tearing the wall down with my own hands, I heard some voices come from inside. Immediately, I crouched down and looked through the window.

There were three other men that seemed to be drunk. They were knocking about, stumbling on their words and one of them was even throwing up into a trash can. If I pressed my ear to the door, I could hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

"Hey..where's....? Just Saw him...." It was then that it dawned on me who they were looking for. They were looking for their asshole of a friend. The one that I accidentally killed. Can I take these other 3 out? I mean they're drunk, which means that they wouldn't be able to do anything harmful to me, right?

Before my thoughts could continue on any other dangerous routes, the door slammed open. With a yelp, I crawled under the shelf that was closest to me. I pulled my legs to my chest and craned my neck at an angle. My head was basically resting on my knees at that point, so all I could see were the legs of the four men.

With a start, I realized that none of them were drunk. They literally acted drunk, but just by their movements and their voices, I could tell that they were one hundred percent sober. Well there goes that plan.

"Wasn't he keeping watch outside?" One of them said.

"Probably. He was always the weak one. Just a wiff of the stuff would send him gaggin and throwin up."

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