Chapter 4

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Picture of Molly^

I would find Jess, or die trying. 

The words resonated in my mind, more like a promise to myself than to her. 

I walked back over to my window, and moved the curtain aside, so I could sneak a glance and see if that bitch, Molly was still here.

Sure enough, she was. She was typing away fervently at her phone. What the hell? was she stalking me or something? 

If she types any faster, her thumbs are going to fall off  I mused 

She suddenly looked up, and I quickly drew my curtain back. What is it with girls having cat like reflexes? A few moments later, my doorbell rang, echoing throughout my house.  I ignored it, trying to make a cup of coffee  so that I could focus on my plan for rescuing Jess. tomorrow, I would go back to her house and-

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when I heard someone open my door. My hand instantly grabbed a knife as I thought to myself,

How rude, just interrupting me like that! Couldn't you have waited until after I finished my sentence?

I heard heels clacking and with a long sigh, I put the knife back down on the counter. 

Why couldn't this woman leave me alone? Am I going to have to call someone for some reinforcements?
I started looking around for my phone, and as I did, I walked straight into a wall. 

Ow. That really hurt. 

Meanwhile, Molly was trying not to piss herself  because she was laughing so hard. It was the kind of laugh where you're laughing so hard, you can't even make any noise. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my coffee.

"What do you want?" I said, eyeing my coffee.

Molly walked right up to me, so I was forced to look straight into her eyes.

"Listen, I know that you probably hate me right now, and you have every right to, just please let me explain". 
I rolled my eyes. At this point, she could hit me in the face with her heels, and it wouldn't hurt as much as it did to be separated from Jess for so long.

"Ok, first things first, I'm actually a lesbian," She blurted out before I could say anything. My eyes widened with shock. How was she so comfortable dating me, then? "I have a girlfriend, and the only reason I dated you, was because I wasn't ready to come out, as yet. I'm still not ready to come out fully. In fact, the only reason I just told you, was because this part is important to what I'm about to tell you, so listen carefully."

Ok, I had to admit that grabbed my attention. First off, she's a lesbian! I didn't have any lesbian friends, so that was definitely new for me. Second off, how is her being a lesbian have anything to do with the fact that Jess is missing and she may not come back? 

"Alright so basically this is what has happened: Jess has either left, or been kidnapped." I spit out my coffee, only to have it land in Molly's hair. Good. She deserved it-royally. I smiled sheepishly at her, playing it off as an accident, which technically it was.

She continued on, as if nothing had happened "That's actually all I know for the moment. Now it's our job to bring her back home."

I literally had so many questions, it felt like my brain was going to explode.

She noticed the expression on my face, and nodded once. "I know you probably have a lot of questions, and I'll try to answer them the best I can. Just remember that at this point, I know about as much as you do."

I took a deep breathe, and started talking.


"who's your girlfriend? Is it Jess? Please tell me it's not Jess"

"Also, why do I need your help? I can manage this all on my own, you know. Jess is my girlfriend, you know. 

"Why should I believe you? For all I know, this could be a practical joke that you're pulling on me because you can't find someone to rape today."

Her face hardened at the last one. Ok, I have to admit, it did sound a little harsh, but that's not the way you get a guy's attention! Man, people are so stereotypical these days.

"Yes, I'm a lesbian, and my girlfriend's name is Scarlet. You need my help because you literally can't do this on your own. You shut people out, and don't let anyone in, for some reason. You built a wall around yourself for your own good, and Jess was the only one who could tear them down. I'm hoping I can be the second one. Also, you should believe me because this is your girlfriend, for crying out loud! Do you honestly think I would waste so much time on a Thursday? I could be at home right now, making out with my girlfriend, but I actually happen to care about Jess."

"Since when?" I snorted

"Since I became friends with her 9 years ago."
I spat out my coffee, again. This time, Molly jumped away, just as my coffee hit the leather couch. Well shit. That was going to be a hassle to clean up.

Jess was actually friends with her? The bitch who tried to steal me away from her? I was going to have to talk to her about this as soon as I found her.

"Ok, let me explain, before you throw up your breakfast too. We've been friends since we were 9. Gradually, I realized that I wasn't like everyone else. I liked girls, not boys. When we were both 14, I fell in love with her. I was undoubtedly in love, and I was obviously still in the closet, so I couldn't even talk about it to anyone. Eventually, Jess figured it out on her own, and she wasn't even mad. She was relieved that there was a reason I started avoiding her. Then, when I found out that she had a huge crush on you, I decided to take it upon myself to try to seduce you, to make sure that you liked her, and that if you started dating her, you wouldn't leave her like a douche bag".

I tried to calm down, and not flip out. How long had I been kept away from all of this? Why did nobody seem to want to tell me? Was it something I said?

I turned back to Molly, making my decision. 

"Okay, what first?"

Her face brightened, I'm assuming from relief. 

"First, you need to go back to her house,  and root around her room. If this was planned, there was no way that she didn't leave a note. When we were younger, she used to leave me little notes whenever she 'ran away' from home."

Seeing the expression  on my face, she added "Act more, ask questions later."

I groaned. This was going to go no where if she wasn't going to tell me anything. 

I chose to ask a more reasonable question, one that would have to be answered.

"Why do I have to do it alone? Why aren't you coming with me?"

She pursed her lips, deep in thought. 

"Because you know her better than anyone. I'm willing to bet that her own parents don't even know her as well as you know her."

I sighed softly. I clearly had my work cut out for me. 

Sorry about this chapter!I'm currently coughing my lungs out, and so I'm not sure how much of it makes sense. It's more of a filler than anything else. Also, 26 reads? That's amazing! Thanks for all the support! 


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