Chapter 14

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Cover was made by newtellasqueen thank you! I love it a lot

With one more look at the ocean, I plunged into the unknown.

When me and Jess first started dating, she used to tell me why she liked looking at scars, no matter the type. She told me that your body was a canvas and every scar represents the days the sun shone on you, and you felt the rain, and poetic crap like that.

If she saw me now, after my stunt, she would probably propose. But that's besides the point. Let's go back to when I plunged into the unknown.

As I fell, I tried to angle my body, so that I would come as far away from the shelf as possible. I wooshed past the shelf, but not without cutting up my arm.

I could barely feel the sting. I was more concentrated on how free I felt. I literally felt like I bird as the wind hit my face, and my cut up arm (which was actually starting to hurt). I felt like all of my problems had been blown away, and my head felt a lot clearer.

Right before the impact, I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut.

The effects of the alcohol had worn off by then, so I was fully aware of everything that was happening.

Noah, you're a dick was the last thing I remember thinking before the current dragged me under.

The current was really strong that day. I kept trying to come up for air, but out of nowhere there was a new stronger wave sweeping over me.

Finally, I just gave up, and sort of drifted around for a bit. What's the point? Jess is probably dead, so if you just give up now, you will be reunited.

But what if she's not? What if she's alive, and she got kidnapped? At this point, it seems unlikely, but what if that's exactly what happened and we're all to stupid to realize it? What if?

I was starting to go down a dangerous path with all of the what if's. It was like I was spiraling down into my tornadoe again, and the tornadoe was sucking up everything, including me.

I have to live. For Jess.

And with that, I started kicking my legs furiously, and after what seemed like eons, I broke the surface, and took a deep breath.

I looked over to the beach, to see if my friends were still there, waiting for me.

They were all gone, except for what I thought was Noah. I started slowly paddling over to him. I was about to slap him for letting me almost kill myself like that, when I was drunk.

Best friends don't endanger other best friend's lives when they're drunk. That was like the number one thing in our code of friendship (more on that later).

When I reached the shore, I tried to get up, but only fell down again. I waited for a few minutes. Maybe my legs are paralyzed and I'll never walk again. That would suck. When I got up this time, my legs were shaky, but they were supporting  my weight. At least I'm not paralyzed.

I stood up, and it didn't hurt too bad to put weight on my legs, but my legs were shaking.

I looked around for Noah. Where the hell did that bastard get to? I scanned the beach and took in my surroundings. The sun was starting to come up, and my friends were nowhere in sight.

I guess that meant that they thought I was dead. It's nice to know I have such supportive friends. With one more glance around the beach, I started trudging home in my soaked clothes.

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