Chapter 18

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I dreamt that I killed myself. Well, sort of. I dreamt that I found Jess, but she found some other guy. He was better looking than me, smarter, and probably wasn't a chronic screw up.

Jess never knew- sorry, doesn't know- that I have depression. I never told her, because I didn't want her to worry about me. She had enough to worry about as it is, and I did not want to be a part of that list. I can handle myself. I'm a big kid.

With that last depressing thought, I climbed out of bed, only to feel a sharp stab of pain on my forehead. I winced in pain. I lay back down on the bed carefully. The pain was coming and going, and I tried massaging my head to make it go away.

Great. I have a migraine.

A few moments later, I tried sitting up again. This time, the pain wasn't as bad. It was still there, it just wasn't as jarring as last time. I padded over to the mirror, and peered into it, trying to find a sign of bruising. I never get headaches.

My hair was falling on my forehead, so I dug my hands into my hair and pulled it back. There, in the smack middle of my forehead, was a huge bruise. It was about the size of a golf ball, and it was slightly purple. Honestly, it was disgusting.

Today looks like a snapback kind of day.

I took a shower, and washed my hair too. The little hair dye that was left, was incredibly faded and just looked like a discolored part of my normal brown hair. I also winced every time the steaming water fell on my bruise.

About 10 minutes later, I was fully dressed, wearing a black snapback hat, a long sleeve flannel shirt, and jeans. I slipped on the same converse high tops from all those days ago when I met Hunter. For good luck. I felt like I would be needing it today.

I walked down the steps, two by two, and jumped from the second to last step to the ground. I landed easily. The rich, warm sunlight was pouring in through the window and I had to blink a few times to get it out of my eyes.

Why is it so damn bright if its so early? I was convinced that since I had gone to bed earlier last night, I would automatically wake up at the crack of dawn today. Who woulda thought that the crack of dawn was brighter than my future?

I walked through my kitchen, and past the stove where the time was shining brightly. I saw it from the corner of my eye, and had to stop fully to make sure I wasn't going blind.

But sadly, my eyes weren't deceiving me. There, on the stove light reflected the numbers 12:15 in a neon green yellow color. I almost facepalmed myself but then hastily stopped remembering the nasty bruise on my forehead.

How the hell did I sleep for so long? And why didn't my alarm go off? I'm going to be late for school? My thoughts turned panicked almost instantly. Oh shit Ms.Turner is going to kill me if I'm for math class again. This is not happening.

After a few more minutes of panicking, I realized that school was over. College is in the fall. I have 3 months. Deep breaths, Drew. Deep breaths. In and out. In and out.

After my short flip out, I sat down on the couch, and started watching Netflix. And before any of you guys start roasting me for liking Netflix, I'm going to be straightforward with you for a sec. Netflix can't hurt you. Netflix will always be there for you when you're sad. Netflix is so much better than going out and pretending to like people. Like seriously though, who needs a social life when you got Netflix and a fridge full of food at home?

Ok, sorry about that. No more chick flick moments from here on out. I promise. I browsed through the different tv shows I could watch. They all seemed dull and boring. Not to mention the fact that they reminded me too much of her.

Every Friday we would have Netflix dates. We would stay up till 3 in the morning, cuddled up in millions of blankets and watching every show we could. Not to mention all the food we had. Usually, it was just junk food like ice cream and assorted bags of chips. Now, my couch just seemed too big all by myself and watching Netflix by myself seemed too weird.

About 30 minutes later, I gave up on watching anything. Instead, I decided to go running outside. Sometimes, when I'm really angry, and I go running, it helps me vent. The harder I run, it feels like I'm attacking the pavement, and then I can actually not be mad anymore. And right now, I had a lot of anger, what with Jess and everything else. Don't even get me started. Anyways, trust me on the running thing. It really helps and you can stay fit.

I changed into some shorts and a dry fit shirt. I barely even finished tying my shoes when my phone, charging at the plug point all the way upstairs started ringing. I jogged up the steps, two by two. Please let it be her. I need a sign to keep looking. When I reached my phone, I let out an audible, frustrated groan. It was just Robin.


"What are you doing at the moment?" His voice had an urgent tone to it. "Nothing much.. Why?" yeah, I was lying through my teeth. I didn't want him to know that I was working out because I knew that he would suggest we run together. I just needed to be alone for a while.

"Oh, cool. Hey, can you come over later?"

"When and why?"

"Can you come over now?"

"Yeah, sure." I mentally groaned. Why am I so damn nice? I need to be able to say N O once in awhile. Hey, maybe it would get me closer to finding Jess. There's a thought!

In the end, I just decided to run over to Robin's house. He lived about 10 minutes away, so I figured it would give me a good workout.

I grabbed my phone and my keys and shoved them both in my pocket. As I started running, I tried thinking of stuff to keep my mind occupied. Ew what the hell is that lady wearing? You cannot run around, sticking your nasty ass in the air if you don't even have one! Jesus christ people these days.

Eventually, I had run past all the interesting people and I was alone with my dark thoughts again.

Hello darkness my old friend

I decided to write another letter to Jess. I'm not getting any closer to finding her anyways and besides- I haven't written one in a while.

Jess- honestly at this point, I dont care if you've up and dumped me. I just care that you're in alive, and ok. I mean yeah, it would break my heart to see you love someone else, but I would still love you with all the broken pieces.



Man, screw chick flicks I'm going to be sweet and love my girl if I want to.

As I approached Robin's house, I knew something was not right immediately. There was only one car in the driveway, and it was Robin's beat up pick up truck. That means his parents had left him home alone. That was the first clue that something was wrong.

Then, I noticed that there were footprints leading up to the steps, and then they vanished altogether. Lastly, I noticed that there were wrappers of some sort littering the porch. Upon further evaluation, I deduced that they were condom wrappers.

Oh god.. Please don't tell me that Robin is fucking some girl and I'm about to see them naked. I've seen enough of that.

I just shuddered through book form, by the way. I knocked on the door once, and then when I received no reply, I went ahead an tried the doorknob. To my surprise, the door was unlocked. I've never really understood that, to be honest. Like why would you leave your house unlocked? You're basically inviting all the serial killers in for tea.

Ok, back at the task at hand. Something is wrong. Very, very wrong.

No shit, Sherlock.

I walked into Robin's house, and braced myself for what I was about to see. 

A/N: I'm sorry this is so late. Exams are evil. 


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