Chapter 11

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Slight trigger warning for this chapter. You have been warned. 

Before I could continue my dream, and find out who had caught us together, I was slowly lured into consciousness.

As I came to, there was a bright light shining in my face. I squinted against the harsh, harsh light. Why did it have to be so bright? Like, were they trying to blind me back into unconsciousness?

My eyes soon adjusted to the bright light, and I tried to sit up, to get a better glimpse of my surroundings. I must have sat up too fast, because a jolt of pain pounded at my left temple when I did so. I groaned in pain and lay back down.

"Take it easy there, buddy," A familiar voice said. 


I tried to sit up again, and this time there was less pain as I sat up. The only thing I could feel was a dull throbbing in my head. 

"What the hell happened?"
Robin scratched his neck awkwardly, with a guilty look on his face. 

"We, uh, we got in a car wreck."

"What?! Is everyone okay? How could you have been so irresponsible, dude? What if we all had died? I would have died, never seeing Jess again."

I surveyed my surroundings, as I tried to calm down. This wasn't a hospital. By the looks of the curtains with flowers, and the window seat, this was someone's house. 

He looked up, still looking incredibly guilty. I felt kind of bad for yelling at him now. Like yeah, he may have almost killed me and prevented me from seeing Jess ever again, but hey- bros before hoes, right?

Sike. Jess was above everything in matters of importance to me. After a moment or two, I found my voice again.

"Where the actual hell am I?"

His face brightened up, like that was the billion dollar question.

"You are currently at my grandma's place, dude. The medic said it could possibly kill you if we were to move you to the hospital, so I brought you to the closest place I could find, which just so happens to by my grandma's house. She's on a cruise right now, and she leaves her spare key in the potted plant on her porch, so I thought, 'why not?'".

I searched his face for signs of a lie. He was known for being an annoying cocky bastard, but all I could see on his face was the kid I became friends with in 5th grade.


It had been my first day in my new school, and I was terrified that people were going to make fun of me. Like you may not believe this, but I was an incredibly ugly kid back then. I had okay hair, and a face that had all the never lost baby fat. But what really set me apart were my braces. My teeth were a mess, so my parents-while they were still alive- decided to get me braces. I absolutely despised them. They made it 10 times harder to eat candy and gum, and I wasn't even allowed to eat stuff like chicken wings! And not to mention, 3 years later, it  made my first kiss the awkwardest thing ever. But that's a story for another time. So, back to the point, it was my first day at Oak Ridge middle, and the principal had gone out of his way to make sure I found my class.

The class itself looked like it had been taken straight out of Matilda. The desks were made of wood and lined up in rows of 7. The class looked up curiously from their work as I tentatively walked into the room.

I could hear hushed whispers throughout the room, as the principal ushered me to the front.

Who is he?

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