Chapter 6

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This is the picture Drew found ^

I then walked off, trying not to look suspicious. 

When I got home, I walked up to my room, and took out all the pictures. I lay them all out, trying to put them in the correct chronological order. I lingered on one particular picture. It was a picture taken of us roughly a month ago. It was the most recent picture of us.  She had her arms around my neck and my hand was on the small of her back. We were passionately kissing. Almost all of us were drunk when that picture was actually taken. I think Robin took it, if I wasn't mistaken. A pang of pain went through me. What if I never found her? I started chiding myself. Don't think like that. After all, love isn't about being inseparable. It's about being able to be separate and still love each other just the same. 

I heard a light cough behind me. I whirled around so fast, that a few pictures fell to the ground. It was Molly again. But this time, she had someone else with her. It was another girl. She had blonde hair, blue eyes,and was so skinny, she could probably hula-hoop with a cheerio. 

Maybe this was Scarlet, Molly's girlfriend? Maybe she got so fed up with hanging out with my sorry ass, she-

"Hey Drew, this is my girlfriend Scarlet. I decided you needed some motivation, and motivation I brought."

The pale girl offered her hand out and I shook it, and almost dropped it because of how cold it was. Who's hands are actually that cold man? Is this Molly's girlfriend or Edward Cullen?

  I furrowed my eyebrows together. How was this almost sickly pale girl going to motivate me? Also, motivate me to do what exactly?

Before I could open my mouth, Molly continued on. 

"Of course, I'm not going to tell you how she is going to motivate you, or else it's not going to work. I'll tell you how this was supposed to motivate you after we actually get something accomplished. Do you have anyone else you want to call over to help? This could take all day."

I quickly pulled out my phone. I was going to need someone to distract me from all the romance going on. I typed out a quick text 

can u come over? will explain when u get here.

and sent it to Noah and Robin, aka my closest guy friends. 

I sat down at my dining table, across from Scarlet and Molly, who were now passionately kissing each other, with Molly's hands around Scarlet's pale neck. There were soft noises coming from them.

It physically broke my heart to continue to watch them. Instead, I looked away and found myself studying my watch. I  made another note to Jess.

I miss you a little. 

I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each day.

Just then, I heard my doorbell ring.

I shot out of my chair and bolted to the door, glad for an excuse to be away from them. 

When I opened the door, I saw Noah and Robin, both looking like they had gotten dressed hastily. 

Before I could even say hello, they started talking and asking questions.

'What happened?'

'Who else is here?'

'Can we order pizza?'

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll explain everything later. Just come on. There's some people I'd like you to meet."

I led them to my dining room table, where-thank god- Molly and Scarlet were done kissing.

Saying both of their names is getting too exhausting. I think I'm just going to start calling them Scolly from now on. Scolly. I like that! It can be the unofficial ship name. 

After introductions were done, and I explained to Noah and Robin that Molly wasn't a psychopathic bitch who wanted to kill me the questions started back up again.

Noah looked thoroughly confused and Robin was on his phone. Typical. 

"So, now that we all know each other, may I ask why the hell we're all here so early in the morning?"

Dude. It's 11:30. What time do you even get up?"

"Answer my question and I shall answer yours." Noah said, puffing out his chest.

And so then, I explained to them all what was going on with Jess and how they were going to help me.

"So," Robin asked, finally paying attention for once. "Do we have any clues on where Jess might be?"

Before I could reply, Molly answered for me.

"Actually, Drew and I were at her house earlier today. We found all sorts of stuff." She reached over to her bag and pulled out some books.

"All of these books were taken from Jess's room." She started handing them to all of us. "If there are any clues, they'll most likely be in some of these books. These are a few of her favorites. "

I picked up a copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and started reading.

Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of 4 Privet Drive were very happy to say that they were normal, thank you very much...

2 hours and 3 pizzas later, none of us had found anything. At this point, we had all migrated to the couches, with Scarlet and Molly stretched out on one of them, and Robin and Noah on the other. I was sitting  in a lounge chair, trying not to fall asleep.

This is going to be harder than I thought. I thought to myself, as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Hello! As of the day I'm posting this (February 26th) its my birthday! So, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and let me know what you think of Molly and Scarlet! I've received a few questions about them and so I wanted to know what you guys thought of them!




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