Chapter 13

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"Jump! Just do it!" We were all standing at the edge of devil's peak and my friends were trying to get me to jump off.

I looked down, to see what my chances of living were. The ocean loomed underneath the impossibly high cliff. There was a little shelf that jutted out about half way down, so if the thrill of jumping didn't kill you, the impact of landing on the shelf would.

I could feel the buzz of alcohol, pounding in my head. It was like my head was a jail and the pounding was trying to break out.

With one more look at the ocean, I jumped into the unknown.

3 hours earlier

We all piled into Noah's mom's van. It was the only car that would fit all of us and we decided it would be easier to all go together.

Noah was driving, I called shotgun, Robin and the girls piled into the back. As we pulled out of the parking lot, someone's phone started ringing. I pulled out my phone, and then put it back hastily. Who would even call me? The only people who would actually call me were sitting in the car with me.

"It's my phone," said Molly, taking out her phone.
As she answered, I listened closely to her side of the conversation. Yes, I knew it was wrong, but at that point I didn't care.

The only thing I could even here was a few 'yes ma'ms' and 'yes I understand' but her voice was so bitter I was actually curious as to what had happened to make her so salty.

When she hung up, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw her ashen gray face staring back at me.
"Hey, you ok?" I was surprised I was even asking. She was such a bitch to me, and yet I was actually concerned for her.
"Yeah I'm fine. Noah! Pull over at the next grocery store we pass." She was staring out the window now, and Scarlet had put her hand on Molly's arm. A sign of support, if you will.

Ugh. Couples. I looked out the window, as a distraction.

Noah pulled into a Walmart a few minutes later and turned around.
"What are we doing here?" He sounded pissed. Maybe because he was hungry and wanted pizza? I didn't even know at this point. Noah always seemed to be pissed. 

"You'll see." with a slam of the door, she walked off and into the store. Not even 10 minutes passed when she got back into the car.

In her hands were a few bags of beer, wine, and all kinds of alcohol I had never even seen before. We were in for one hell of an evening.

20 minutes later the pizza was at my house, and we were all lounging around my living room and on the floor. Noah and the girls had started eating pizza and Robin had already started drinking.
"When you throw up all over my rugs, you can have fun cleaning up"
"Drew, shut your cake hole and have a drink," he said, before he threw a shot glass at me.

I threw it back at him, and got up to make some coffee. I found my phone and started playing some music as well. Life is better with music was my justification for blaring Metallica.

I took a sip of my coffee. Black. Just like my soul. I remember the first time I ever said that- the first time someone pegged me as an 'emo'. It had been at school last year, when I was wearing a leather jacket, a ACDC shirt, jeans, and converse. I had been a little skeptical at wearing that outfit at first. But Jess said it made me look edgy, so I decided it was worth a shot.


I was waiting for Noah and Robin in the parking lot, because they were running late-as usual- and we had a free period first thing in the morning so they made me wait for them. It's not like I was going to go anywhere else. As sad as I was to admit it , they were my only friends at the time.

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