Chapter 20

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I heard some muffled voices on the other end before a haggard voice spoke three short words

"We have her"

My natural instinct was to drop my phone and watch as it shattered into a million pieces (just like my heart) maybe I'm too overdramatic. I did drop my phone, but I caught it seconds before it hit the ground. My mind was a maze, with all the different ideas going compleltely different directions.

Assuming that the 'her' the voice was referring to was indeed Jess, that means that she's been kidnapped and she hasn't run away.

I couldn't help but feel relieved. She didn't leave me. She still likes me oh thank god. But on the other hand, I was so close to completely losing it. She could die.

Half of me wanted to sprint all the way back to Robin's house and tell him what happened, but the other half wanted to go find her on my own. Even as I thought that, I knew I couldn't just up and leave them. Not after everything that they've done for me.

I locked my door and sprinted back to Robin's house.

I reached in under 7 minutes. I guess you could say that I had motivation this time. The faster I get to his house the faster I can explain. The faster I can explain the faster everyone else could get there and we could devise a plan.

I pounded on the door impatiently. After about a minute of me impatiently waiting outside of his house, I just used the spare key in the plant pot a few feet away from the door. His beach bitch can wait for a minute this is important.

I barged into his house and slammed the door shut. The force of the slam was so hard, the pictures hanging near the door almost fell. I knew Robin would have heard me, so I just decided to wait by the door.

While I was waiting I looked at the pictures. Most of them were Robin, his mom, and his dad. Robin was an only child. Not to mention that he had both of his parents alive and well. He didn't know what it was like to lose everything. To have no hope in the world anymore. To have the carpet pulled out from under you. To want to die.

I knew this was unfair thinking, but like every adult has told me, "Hon, life isn't fair." But since when did I listen to adults? I continued on my psychotic thought rant until I heard someone coming down the steps. I was facing the pictures and my back was to the staircase. Is it that hard to believe that I grabbed another baseball bat? No one in his family even plays baseball yet the bats seem to be all over their house.

Slowly, I turned around, keeping the baseball ready to swing at any moment. In front of me was Robin with an accusing look on his face. "Seriously, dude? Enough with the bats!" Automatically, I dropped it.

I tried to play it off and act nonchalant about the whole thing. "You people keep them all over your house and you didn't say anything when you reached the bottom of the staircase. Honestly, you shouldn't be surprised at this point."

Robin rolled his eyes and walked down the rest of the steps, standing right in front of me. "So, what happened with Jess?"

Before I could go off on my rant, I stopped. "How do you know that it has anything to do with Jess?"

He gestured for me to follow him and led me to the living room. He sat down on the couch. I took the opposite one. He placed his hands together as if he was like Sherlock Holmes and was making a deduction. For all I knew that was exactly what he was doing. He'd probably been binge watching.

"You left my house approximately 27 minutes ago. I'd say that you took all 20 minutes to walk back home, but since you ran here in the first place it's safe to assume that you ran back to your house. That would have taken you 10 minutes at the most. That means you had some time when you got home. Given time for walking into your house, closing the door, locking it again, and then sitting down would have take another 10. Which means that whatever happened must be bad because in seven minutes, you realized the situation and sprinted over here. The only thing that could ever make you run that fast was Jess."

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