When they first see you

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Oh crap oh crappity crap crap. Pepper was in the labour room. I was outside downing a shot from my hip flask. I then braced myself before walking in. Could I do this ?? I'm a billionaire Genius . Iron man. An Avenger. And now I managed to get Pepper knocked up. I walked in to the labour room. Slightly wobbling

"One last push Miss Potts" The midwife urged. I knelt to peppers side and grabbed her hand.

"Come on Pepper you can do it" I encouraged. She squeezed my hand tightly. I thought that she cut off circulation. That definitely sobered me up


"Miss Potts, Mr Stark I would like to congratulate you on having a beautiful baby girl. Would you like to hold her ?" Pepper dropped my hand and held the beautiful baby. My beautiful Baby. Our beautiful Baby. I looked at her in awe. How could I not. I had my most loved things in the room. My iron suit is a complete babe magnet. And there was Pepper and my baby girl.

"Would you like to hold her ?" Pepper asked me. I snatched the child up in my arms. The baby opened her eyes at me. A smile played on my lips

"I love you and I promise to always protect you"


It was the middle of the night. I heard a soft cry from outside of the tower. I walked down the many levels of the tower. Following the cry. I approached the doors of the tower. Outside on the doorstep was a small basket with a baby covered in a bundle of pink and white. An envelope was on top neat and pristine

Dear Captain

I was a one night stand that should never of happened. I have now had to go into hiding, away from HYDRA and unfortunately once you have received this I will no longer be around. Please look after her. I have not chosen a name yet. Don't bother to try and help me. It will only bring danger to you and her. She has your eyes by the way

There was no signature. Nothing that could possibly help me track down this "One night stand". I took the baby in my arms. I doubted that she was mine until she stopped crying and opened her big beautiful blue eyes. Identical to mine.

"Hello" I whispered. The baby smiled and giggled. I then took her indoors to her new home


Oh shit. I looked down at the bundle in my arms. The Baby giggled and smiled up at me. Laura had just pushed her in my arms claiming that she wanted " A new life where someone actually cared about her" and all that shit. Anyway good riddance

"What am I going to do with you, eh ?" I chuckled "Well what am I going to call you first because I don't think "Baby" is a good name for you"

"You should call her Katniss " I heard Tony call from behind me "Or Merida" I rolled my eyes at him

"What about (Y/N) eh?"

The baby gigged and pulled on my ears

"I'll take that as a yes then"


I looked at my little girl that I had just given birth to. Her tuft of red hair, tickling my arm.

" Мой маленький секретный агент" I cooed to her

(My little secret agent)

Avengers ~ Mummy/Daddy/Daughter One shots HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now