They embarrass you

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It was your 16th birthday and you were going to have a huge party. Stark style. You were out running some errands when you came back to the tower there was a huge banner plastered across underneath the stark industries logo

"Happy Birthday Mini me" it was bright pink and underneath it was you as a toddler wearing a bra on your head eating Nutella. Looking extremely unattractive. People left right and centre were taking pictures of it.


You were shopping, a perfectly normal thing to do, on a perfectly normal day. But you had taken your dad and he would just not shut up.m

"What's a selfie stick ??"

"It's something that helps you use to take photos" you answered rolling your eyes

"What's a selfie ?" Your his was probably the hundredth question he had asked you. Your were at your wits end.

"I don't know just Go ask the lady over there so I can finish my shopping in peace" you nudged him in the direction of the shopping assistant. He walked over and asked her

Oh um it's a photo that you take of yourself, sir" your dad looked at you. A slight smirk playing on his lips.

"Why thank you, you see my daughter daughter doesn't know what a selfie is. Hey (Y/N) Rogers !!!! A selfie is a picture of yourself !!!" Your dad shouted across the mall. Everyone turned and stared at you


"Pass me my arrow will you, sweetheart ?" Cling asked his daughter from the stark tower sofa.

"Nope" you said popping the p whilst flicking through your magazine

"Fine I will tell Thor that you used to have a crush on him" your dad threatened

"What is a crush lady (Y/N) ?" Thor voice boomed across the tow r you jumped up in embarrassment. There was all of the avengers slightly chuckling. You glared daggers at your dad


"Is that Danny?" Your mum pointed out from across of the car park. You turned around quickly. It was in fact Danny

"Mama get in the car right now" You said edging your mother towards the car. She grinned evilly

"Danny !!! Hey you yes you the one dating my daughter !!! " Your mother shouted from  across the car park. Danny saw her and blushed as did you as you gently pushed her into the car


Your dad was doing a lecture at your school. This was of course a recipe for embarrassment. The only thing is. It was your whole entire school

"So any questions before we start on gamma rays ??" Your dad asked. You had your head buried in your book. Not daring to look up .

"Have you got any embarrassing story's about (Y/N) Banner ?" You heard some random kid ask. Geez and here she thought she was a nobody

"Well how recent are you talking, because I mean putting her homework in the blender by accident and then singing along to one direction not realising her mistake this morning was pretty embarrassing"


He was on the Internet. A risky thing, I know

Avengers ~ Mummy/Daddy/Daughter One shots HIATUS Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora