When they realise you're gone (FINAL)

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Okay so for Thor and Loki's they are kind of connected so they are going to be under one heading, Enjoy !


Thor woke up from his bed a killing headache resting in his brain and his stomach was doing cartwheels, he quickly stumbled down to the healers room. Where he saw his brother, with supervision of course

"Loki...." Thor had to pause as he gained his balance "....what are you doing here?"

"Well a fight with my daughter left my prison cell malfunctioning so whenever I got near it, it through me back into the wall, left me unconscious" Loki said "actually have you seen her ?"

"No, I am recovering from last night but if I do, I will tell you -" Thor was interrupted by a guard storming into the healed room.

"Ah Prince Thor, Prince Loki, Heimdall request to see you both, it is urgent" The guard stated. Thor and Loki looked at each other and then looked at the guard. An odd feeling settling in both of their stomachs. And this time for Thor it was not the hangover.

They both set off with the guard to the bifrost. Loki had an Army surrounding him, poised if he was going to cause trouble.

"Ah Heimdall .....*clutches stomach*..... How lovely to see you" Thor greeted, refraining from throwing up over he himself. Loki rolled his eyes and smiled at the distress his brother was in.

"You too Thor, but I am afraid that I have some terrible news regarding both of your daughters" Heimdall addressed to the gods. Loki's grin fell and Thor just looked more pale then before

"Tell us Heimdall" Loki barked which caused a guard to step coder towards him

"It seems that your daughters have..... Fled Asgard"


I sat in the kitchen clutching my tea. I thousand things went threw my head. I wasn't too harsh was I ?. I felt guilty for everything that week. All of the arguments that we had. I didn't overreact did I ? I mean she wanted to go to France. That's a whole other continent and with Freddy ? Her boyfriend ?

After about a half an hour of thinking I went upstairs. I knocked on her door softly

"Y/N .." There was no answer. I expected that

"Flower, I'm sorry, I know overreacted, can I come in ?" There was no answer. Plus I didn't feel her presence either. I cautiously opened the door to find her room disheveled and chaotic. There was no site of her.

"Y/N ?!?" I called out. Worried. Did someone take her. I then looked on her desk there was a letter

Dear Mama

I just want you to know that I am okay. I just need some space. Please don't come looking for me.


I clutched the letter to my chest and cried. Things around me started to explode due to my powers. This was not it. She could be lost or hurt. I am going to find her. I looked around her room anything that could leave a trace. She had taken her phone with her... Yes she had taken her phone with her.

Thank god for tracking

I quickly called up Maria in need of a favour. I did not trust Tony enough. Plus he was away at the moment. She quickly told me where Y/N was, she was in....



Bad, bad, bad dad. That's what I was as I banged my head against Y/N's, I listened to her sobbing, unable to do anything due to her locked door. Then all of a sudden it stopped. And I gained that gut feeling that something was wrong. A parents instinct you could say. I quickly stood up and put my ear to her door.

"Y/N ?"

No answer

"Y/N ?!?!"

That was it

"Y/N if you are in there please move away from the door"

I kicked the door in, just to be met with very obvious streak marks left by Y/N's super speed. I quickly ran through the city trying to find her. I stopped panting when a thought occurred. Y/N said that the only place that she ever wanted to visit (apart from Sokovia) was a little place called Britain.


After helping Steve with his daughter. I thought about mine. I was a bit over the top but I had a bad feeling about that boy that Y/N was so obsessed with. I didn't trust him or his father for that fact. I stated getting worried so I took my own advice and asked where Y/N was.

"Miss Barnes is at (place) airport. She has run into trouble with security. You will be expecting a phone call in three.. Two.. One. Mr Barnes you have a phone call from (place) airport security would you like me to deny the call ?"

"No it's okay I've got it" I said as I picked up the phone.

"Mr Barnes I hate to I from you that your daughter has been caught by security and you are going to have to come over to pick her up"

"It would be my pleasure" I assured them. I had a mixture of anger yet smugness. Anger because she tried to run away but smugness because she got caught by her own sloppy mistakes. She should listen to me and actually bother to get a slip for her arm.


Dammit. This is not fair I didn't even commit a crime. I got confused by some stupid teenage cop for one of Darren Crosses invention. Even though that was a good few years ago and now I'm stuck here missing my daughters play. A guard opened my jail cell

"Mr Lang you are free to go, sorry for the confusion and any distress that we may have caused you" The guard apologised

"Well tell that to my daughter" I muttered. Hope and my ex wife were waiting for me. Even though Y/N was Cassie's older sister. Hope treated her more then like her own.
They were both clearly pissed

"Hey what's wrong is everything okay ?' I said putting my hands up in mock surrender

"No everything is not okay, after Y/N's play she got pissed off and ran away" Hope seethed as she hit my arm. My face dropped, this was all my faulty

"But luckily Sam found her and texted me. He thinks you should go pick her up, which by the way I think is a horrible idea since you were the one who caused her to do it" My ex wife also seethed.

"No I caused this I will go fix this" I grabbed the keys off of Maggie. I quickly pecked Hope on the cheek and ran out to the car and set off for Sam's .

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